Find your nearest Gun Shop online today, whether you live in the Midlands, London and the South East, A used Channel Islands 8'0" shortboard. Unlike in the UK, Conscription did not exist, but a number … [22], Widerstandsnest (Resistance nest) (WN) formed a smaller defensive zone, filling in between SP's, and protecting specific points, like artillery batteries or a radar station. However, when multiple targets were visible, it was almost impossible to know which ship each tower was observing. French Renault Char B1 tanks, destined for Rommel in North Africa in early 1942, also were diverted to the Channel Islands. Granite stones were built into some concrete walls to give a natural stone finish. Seventeen additional 4.7 cm Pak 36(t) were emplaced in field positions. Whilst the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine had their roles in protecting the islands from the Allies, the occupying forces put their main effort into land defences aimed at repelling a seaborne or airborne assault. The "Westbefestigungen" (Inspector of Western Fortresses) was given responsibility for oversight and was required to generate bi-weekly progress reports. Tunnels are sealed or locked as they are especially dangerous. Because the Germans expected to invade the United Kingdom in the autumn of 1940, they decided that expenditure on defences for the islands would be a waste. Many roadside walls received painted arrows and numbers in red or yellow to indicate directions. Artillery Regiment 319 … Barbed wire, 2 cm Flak positions, a Tobruk pit, 150 cm searchlight, minefields, Pak40 anti tank gun, and a Freya radar supported the battery. Its guns had a range of 23 kilometres (14 mi). OT transport was brought to Guernsey, mainly French vehicles dating back to 1914, to supplement horse-drawn transport. Some of the OT supervisors were sadistic. The work would continue as planned, despite the death of Dr Todt in a plane crash in February 1942. Guernsey had a major quarrying industry so had stone and crushing facilities available. [17]:21, Anti-airborne landing obstacles were installed, many with explosives attached.[14]:179. Guernsey had to pay for the German troops, providing them with and paying for their food, accommodation and transport.[9]:89. The battery became operational in June 1942. Once the small tunnel was complete, it could be expanded, the width to 6–7 metres and height to 4–7 metres, this was the most dangerous job as rock falls were frequent.[3]:13–14. Camouflage in the form of paint, sprayed concrete and straw on wire mesh, and timber constructions were common. German OT wore OT uniforms; civilians from other nations wore civilian clothes. [7]:36 Contractors brought equipment and vehicles. 7/40 comprised 7,000m², 29,823 cu m of rock were removed and 9,053 cu m of concrete was poured. It was necessary to pour the concrete in as continuous operation as possible to avoid joints that would weaken the structure. The Surfboard Shipping Experts. 4 tunnels at La Valette in St Peter Port, to hold 480 tons of fuel. [9]:448 Festungspionierkommandeur XIV was created to command the project of fortifying the Channel Islands. The Regelbau (standard build) system used books of plans for each of over 600 approved types of bunker and casemate, each having a specific purpose. The Channel Islands M13 Mini-Gun Surfboard is a performance hybrid for larger surf. These bunkers were used in addition to the use of hotels and large houses that made more amenable surroundings for the officers. This allowed interlocking and self-supporting fire. [4]:30, Dummy positions were set up, including using logs to simulate guns and dummy minefields. Other buildings used as headquarters included the Crown Hotel, which served as the Harbourmaster's office. The Channel Islands Occupation Society has refitted V142 as a museum.[16]:101. Ninety-six known graves of these workers are in Guernsey and 397 in Alderney. The chapters from the original book have been reproduced in a set of ten paperbacks. A Stützpunktgruppe (Strongpoint group) was a cluster of SP's and WN's under command of a Battalion. Metal strengthening bars were wired together and the wooden shuttering was installed. [7]:56 [4]:9 [18]:294, Machine guns protected within casemates, on top in Tobruk pits, or in trench systems, some with thin overhead protection. [3]:14–26 Tunnelling could be continued 24 hours a day with two 12 hours shifts as lighting in the tunnel could not be seen outside at night. Guernsey received a few tracked anti-tank guns, but relied more on guns such as the 3.7 cm Pak 35/36, fifteen 5 cm Pak 38, and eight 7.5 cm Pak 40. [7]:115 Detailed death certificates were filled out and the deaths were reported to OT in St Malo. The Heer (army) having two Regimental HQ bunkers, 583 Infanterie Regiment in Rue du Candie, St Andrews and 584 Infanterie Regiment at Beau Sejour. [9]:179–180 The OT hospital was at Ruette Braye, its fuel depot at Grandes Rocques, and timber and cement stores at St Sampson.[7]:26. Channel Islands Spanish: Archipiélago del Norte Geography Location Pacific Ocean Total islands 8 Area 350.89 sq mi (908.8 km 2) Highest elevation 2,429 ft (740.4 m) The Channel Islands (Spanish: islas del Canal, Archipiélago del Norte) are an eight-island archipelago located within the Southern California Bight in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of California. 8 half-tracks. Rodney fired seventy-two 16-inch shells. The Channel Islands M13 surfboard is a performance hybrid that paddles like a funshape, but surfs like a shortboard. Using four barrels taken from a 1917 Imperial Russian dreadnaught captured in Norway and resting on platforms manufactured by Friedrich Krupp A.G., these 30.5 cm guns had a potential range of 51 kilometres (32 mi) with lightweight high explosive shells, weighing 250 kg or 31 kilometres (19 mi) with the heavier 405 kg armour piercing shells. The latest Channel Islands articles, galleries and videos from Shooting UK News Sign up to the Shooting Times newsletter Sign up to the Shooting UK newsletter Picture Galleries Advice Ferreting Gun laws Safety Start Sections of this page In total there were around 175 dedicated anti-aircraft guns in the island, plus machine guns on anti-aircraft mountings. [15], Ten other coastal artillery batteries, which included 1 x 15 cm SK C/28 and 1 x French 22 cm K532(f) at Jerbourg Point, run by Marine units, 3 x 21 cm Mörser 18 and 3 x French 22 cm K532(f) army units, all designed primarily to fire out to sea, were placed in open concrete pits so that they could turn 360 degrees. 319 Infantry Division (319 ID), which had been created in November 1940 and was designed as a static division for service in occupied Europe, was allocated to the islands. Four are located in Guernsey. The Naval Signals HQ at St Jacques in St Peter Port was the main communications centre. [21]:188 A type R633 bunker took 845m³ of concrete and 40 tons of steel to build. [16]:98–100, Battery Dollmann at Pleinmont is open to the public to visit; it has one of the four 22 cm gun pits and a number of trenches restored. Defensive areas were built to protect facilities or an area. Sign-up for special offers from our gun dealer members L’Ancresse common has, in the middle of the golf course, the six gun Flak Battery Dolman, in concrete emplacements that could be used for a dual purpose as they commanded sea approaches with a 14,000m effective range. Personnel shelters, such as a Type R621 shelter designed for a section of 10 men, had two concealed exits and a ringstellung or Tobruk pit were used in many locations, as were 5 cm and 8 cm mortars. Bunkers for ammunition stores were constructed as were accommodation bunkers. The German garrison in the Channel Islands surrendered without a fight on 9 May 1945. Of the 96 OT workers who died in Guernsey, the majority died as a result of tunnelling accidents, a British bombing raid on St Peter Port in January 1942, and typhus in February 1943. Holes through walls for ventilation pipes and cables, doorways and escape routes being put in before the concrete was poured. The forced labour came from the millions of prisoners taken during Operation Barbarossa, and arrived in the Islands in late 1942. Shop Channel Islands Surfboards, Clothing, Accessories, Gear and more. There was a lack of waterproofing and subsequent rock falls into cavities could damage the tunnel. The board is in C From the beginning of 1943 further construction work became a lower priority as the by then existing defences were sufficiently strong. Its guns had a range of 23 kilometres (14 mi). A colossal 8% of the entire Atlantic A colossal 8% of the entire Atlantic Wall’s concrete was poured into the Islands and they held more guns than the neighbouring 600 miles of Normandy coastline. [1]:210–5 [10]:39, The manual labour would be provided using Gastarbeitnehmer (guest workers), Militärinternierte (military internees), Zivilarbeiter (civilian workers), Ostarbeiter (Eastern workers), and Hilfswillige ("volunteer") POW workers. They were supposed to be paid 55 Reichspfennig an hour. [3]:37 They took 2 years to construct. Whether the Islands were impregnable was never tested, except for Battery Blücher in Alderney. Skilled labour was recruited as volunteers from countries that had been overrun by German troops, including the Netherlands, Belgium, and France to top up the thousands of German workers. Local workers too were recruited. 1204 Jersey was ruled by Normandy for nearly three centuries until islanders pledged allegiance to … Several Strongpoint groups made a Verteidigungsbereich (Defence area)[23], Hohlgangsanlagen (cave passage installations) (Ho) were built to store vehicles, ammunition, food, fuel and equipment, Ho. Directed by Paul Campion. Land artillery was situated to fire on landing beaches and inland. Netzknotenpunkt (Telephone network bunkers) were built to protect vulnerable exchanges. [1]:200, Consumable materials were sourced: cement, steel, timber for shuttering, sand and aggregate. From 1204, the Channel Islands The system was dropped before all the planned towers were built in favour of stereoscopic rangefinders, making several of the already constructed towers redundant. In September 1944 there were 10,980 troops in Guernsey comprising:[14]:52. The concept of lineal defences having been discredited in World War 1, the current idea was hedgehog defences with all round visibility and support from other positions giving interlocking fire. Initially the Germans built only feldmässige Anlage (field-type construction) positions. [24]:2, Some positions were buried under soil and landscaped with plants and trees. Roads going northwest to southeast were yellow; those going northeast to southwest were red. Channel Islands Travel Light CX2 Gun Boardbag - Charcoal Be the first to review this product Eligible for FREE SHIPPING! They therefore had a high level of skills and quickly worked out the details of what was needed.[3]:8. All of these were two stories, some were disguised as houses, with tiled roofs and painted windows. Thereafter they dropped to just 3,700 tons as priority shifted to the Atlantic Wall. The smaller Freya radar was less visible. Shuttering for concrete walls and if the ceiling was to be done, overhead supports were installed and concrete poured. The route from St Peter Port to St Saviour was modified to accommodate the towing of the Batterie Mirus gun pieces by four heavy Sd.Kfz. ャルサイト。チームライダー、サーフボード、アクセサリーやデモツアー(試乗会)などの情報をご紹介します。 Surf n Showがブリットとジークとフィンについて語る Tiny Guernsey received special treatment. The Germans found the Islands' fortifications antiquated and woefully inadequate for modern warfare. The largest tunnel complex, two connected tunnel systems, Ho. Shops for joiners and lock smiths were set up. © 2016 | All rights reserved, Pheasant, partridge and grouse shooting opportunities at GunsOnPegs, Salmon and trout fly fishing opportunities at RodsOnRivers. Since that time, there has often been a need to defend the islands against the French and her allies. [13]:57 Some of the workers were Jews; around 1,000 French Jews spent time in the Channel Islands. [7]:19 OT would carry out the majority of the work. Fourteen were started, few were completely finished, some were half built, others abandoned early when poor rock quality was hit, or priorities changed. There were twelve Stützpunkt (Strongpoint) (SP) areas in Guernsey,[20]:99 such as Stützpunkt Rotenstein at Fort Hommet which comprised: 4x10.5 cm casemates, 2x 60 cm searchlights, an MG bunker, a 4.7 cm anti tank casemate, a tobruk pit mounted with a French tank turret, a type R633 bunker containing a M19 automatic mortar, and two other bunkers for personnel and storage as well as barbed wire, minefields, flamethrowers and trenches. Russian State Military Archives, Inventory 500, Documents of the OB West. A number of junctions on the route also had sentry and machine gun positions built into granite walls. Water had to be drained and the new floor levelled and the track extended. A visit by Dr Todt, who was also Minister of Armaments, took place in early October.[7]:16. Over 16,000 OT workers were brought to the Channel Islands, of whom 7,000 came to Guernsey. The initial plan was for two towers to observe a target and through measuring angles determine its distance and therefore grid reference. Others may be looked at, clambered over, and a few can be entered with care. [1]:193 Anti glider poles were installed on potential landing sites. This resulted in damage to three guns in open pits and the deaths of two men from their crews. With Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Varela, Karlos Drinkwater. They worked 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, and were allowed one half-day a month off.[14]:168. Only about 30% of the original 319 ID personnel were still with the unit in June 1944, the fitter men having been sent to the Eastern Front, to be replaced with less fit and non German troops. On 2 June 1941 Adolf Hitler asked for maps of the Channel Islands; these were provided the next day. The Allies knew the locations of casemates as the RAF had undertaken photographic flights during the construction years.Aerial photograph of Vazon Bay with Stützpunkt Rotenstein at the top[25] In addition, a few messages giving some detailed information, had been smuggled out of the Islands. Würzburg radar units, priority targets for the Allies, were disguised where possible. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Twenty one of the casemates built into the coast were designed for 10.5 cm K 331(f) French guns that had been acquired in large quantities. [1]:204 The civilian population in Guernsey was 23,000. If necessary, timber supports were installed, then the process started again. Beach sand and pebbles would be used as a last resort.[7]:43. Surf More. It comprised three bunkers: types V142, M172 and V192. Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas The State of California's Marine Protected Areas in the Channel Islands took effect on April 9, 2003. Anti landing craft objects of steel and wood, thousands of tetrahedra and Czech hedgehog, often with teller mines attached on the beaches.[19]. 40 was equipped and used for a short while in 1944 as a hospital, as the planned hospital tunnel had not been built, however patients underground did not recuperate very well.[11]:35. Cavities filled with rubble. However both would suffer damage from bombing and bombardment so the crews worked from inside bunkers. [14]:174 More exotic camouflage, including disguising positions as houses were used. From April to September 1943 shipments by sea to the Channel Islands averaged 20,000 tons per month. Over 300 large concrete constructions were built in the Channel Islands. [7]:31 The supply vessels needed escort and flak ships for protection. The OT pay scale would provide them with 60% more than the normal local wages,[10]:150 but a team of eight plasterers negotiated a pay rise so they were each paid £12 a week if they managed to plaster 35m² per 10-hour shift. The German designs incorporated certain standard features such as entrance door at right angles, armoured air intake, 30mm steel doors, ventilation, telephones,[4]:7 internal walls lined with wood, and an emergency exit. Gunshops in Channel Islands, South West | - UK's No.1 National Directory for UK Gun Shops, Gun Dealers. Channel Islands Surfboards Surfboards By Al Merrick Surfboards SPINE-TEK Build a Custom Filters Views Accessories Team Blog Shop About Grid View Rail View Board Selector New Sweatshirts! [1]:212–4, Forced workers from overseas only had the clothes they were wearing when taken, often summer clothes. OT, formed in 1933, was a construction organization that organised and supervised the work of a number of engineering and construction companies, as well as supplying a large labour force. The two Würzburg and two Freya radar units at Fort George, Guernsey,[4]:63 were repeatedly attacked from the end of May 1944 on. The resulting construction work in the Channel Islands was extensive; it required thousands of workers and massive supplies of cement and steel. [7]:19, Headquarters of the 7,000 strong OT in Guernsey was established at Sausmarez park in December 1941. 319 ID provided the bulk of troops for the whole of the Channel Islands, it became the largest division in the German army. Most of L'Ancresse bay is protected by a wall. One example was a Mirus gun position; another was a 10.5 cm casemate at Houmet.[4]:25. Gun Dealer - The UK's number 1 directory of Gun Shops and Sporting Agents in the UK. Live Help. Pressure dents on deck. These employees were paid and provided with accommodation, better food, time off, leave[11]:42 and comforts. [5] There were over 200 standardised armour parts. With several concrete constructions, they were adapted to the circumstances, such as WN Grune Dune, which is at Rocquaine Bay, comprising two anti-tank gun casemates, a multi loophole steel turret bunker mounting several machine guns, a personnel bunker with a periscope, anti tank wall, observation position and small command bunker. Find gunshops and gundealers in Channel Islands, South West, Troisieme Rue QueripelGuernseyChannel IslandsGY2 4NB, Modern and vintage handguns, ammunition.22 to 50 cal, 22 rifles, air rifles and pistols, accessories etc. Also, each route was given a number. Maison de Hauts, Mont Huelin, L'Etacq, St Ouen, Jersey, JE3 2EA Est 1954, The Channel Islands only full time Retail Registered Firearms Dealers He ordered additional men to the Islands and, having decided the defences were inadequate, lacking tanks and coastal artillery, he instructed the Organisation Todt (OT) to undertake the building of 200-250 strongpoints in each of the larger islands. Comes standard with removable day bag for when you just need a little protection once you get to your destination. Conditions in Alderney were the worst where for a period the SS ran some Alderney camps. [4]:67–8 Artillerie Abteilung 1265 HQ was at Quatre Vents Estate, St Martin. Selling my 8´2 Channel Islands MG surfboard / gun. Guernsey received two command tanks, 12 normal tanks, and five flame-throwing tanks.[16]:83. The plan was finalised and submitted to Hitler. [16]:104 However, U-Boats in Guernsey were too vulnerable to air attack. Using the Regelbau standardized plans, each site was excavated normally using manual labour, sometimes needing explosives, the materials excavated generally being kept close by. Since 1984. Commanding Officer of the German garrison, Lieutenant-General Rudolf Graf von Schmettow, nephew of Gerd von Rundstedt commander of OB West (Commander-in-Chief West),[1]:195 ordered the writing of a 500-page book that described the fortifications in great detail, illustrated with maps, photographs and coloured drawings. View about Gun Ranges in Jersey, Channel Islands on Facebook. Tunnelling also generated stone. Wehrmacht defence works fell into three categories:[5], Festungspionierstab 19 (Fortress Engineer Staff 19) arrived in Guernsey in July 1941, to make plans for the construction works. Historic defence works, considered by the engineers to be of high quality construction and well placed were given concrete additions,[16]:68 Castle Cornet, Vale Castle, Fort Hommet and Bréhon Tower amongst them and would become SP's or WN's. Fortress Engineers, Festung Pionier Stab XIX, established their HQ at Elizabeth College and stores were set up next to Vale Castle and Bulwer Avenue for timber, stanchions, camouflage paint, anti tank obstacles, steel doors, tank turrets, etc. [8] The original defence order was reinforced with a second order, dated 20 October 1941, following a Fuhrer conference on 18 October to discuss the engineers' assessment of requirements. The Channel Islands remained in English hands, being part of the King’s personal estate, making their control one in which both monarchies would claim rights for several centuries afterwards. [16]:63 Army troops were rotated to Alderney for three month tours of duty. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expanded these Marine Between 3 September 1939, when the United Kingdom declared war against Germany, and 9 May 1940, little changed in the Channel Islands. South West, East Anglia, The North, Scotland, Northern Island, Wales. The Island had sand pits, away from the coastline that had had the salt washed out. By 13 June Hitler had made a decision. OT – most tunnelling, quarrying, railways, roads, loading and unloading ships, supervising civilian construction firms, controlling civilian labour and “St” fortress type constructions. 1066 The Channel Islands become part of the Anglo-Norman realm when William the Conqueror defeated King Harold and won the English crown at the Battle of Hastings. This took the troops in Guernsey up to 12,000. [7]:59–60, It was not just men that became OT workers; a number of women also found themselves in work camps. 峡に浮かぶ島々。 英語の発音により近い表記はチャネル諸島ではあるが、日本では慣例的にチャンネル諸島と呼ばれることが多い。 The OT organisation designated the Channel Islands work area as Insel Einsatze.[10]:29. Lastly, the Germans produced a map, suitably marked, for their soldiers.[26]:19. [11]:58, Anti-tank artillery was in short supply. Sourcing of materials and transport had to be organised. Individual troops – field fortifications, slit trenches etc. They were badly fed and clothed and were beaten and punished for minor offences;[11]:33 the Germans considered them expendable and worked some to death. Barbed wire and minefields would have protected the nest.[4]:37. From October 1941 and especially throughout 1942, building works moved ahead rapidly in hundreds of sites. Artillery Regiment 319 was strengthened. Channel Islands Surfboards Surfboards By Al Merrick Surfboards SPINE-TEK Build a Custom Filters Views Accessories Team Blog Shop About Grid … It features accommodation bunkers and two fortress quality ammunition bunkers, all linked by deep, concrete-lined trenches. 1,100 OT workers remained in Jersey in October 1943, of which 530 were Islanders. Early months of the Second World War. Two of the batteries were in casemates; three were in reinforced in field positions of earth and timber construction.[4]:59–60.
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