Unfortunately I did not save the POV footage on my side as we were never informed in any way shape or form that they will submit a report on us. Unfortunately as I said I don't have my footage because as mentioned we were not informed we were going to be reported. Last I checked, us chasing them is considered hostile but it does not give them rights to ram my ally as they did. Specific rule(s) broken: 14. This thread is archived. After being transported to the hospital, thank your medic and don’t hang around the hospital drop off area. This also means that you should value your life, and do your best to get injured as little as possible. Treat your character like a real life human being. Both the reporting party and reported party were talking shit at the lab to which me and a 2 other triads pull up to the lab for backup in case they did something. Some of the examples of metagaming are: talking OOCly in VOIP, relaying your location to a player via discord as you're being robbed, private messaging a friend your location, etc. In the footage provided by the OP you can see that I was no longer in the chase once triads joined the chase. Never use symbols, abbreviations or emojis in in-character chat. I have around 300 ping on average due to me living in Japan, so on my screen I had not hit them. In most servers that use this, it is against the rules to pull out a weapon or attempt to run away when your character has a gun aimed at it. Other player(s) involved:  Interior and block surrounding the Los Santos Airport, Los Santos Bus Depot, and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV. I was wondering if anyone could help me and explain certain aspects of roleplaying that pertain to the quiz since I am still brand new to this aspect of gaming. ID 182 (Jake_Le) finds them at grape seed as seen from the reporting party's POV at 0:11 seconds. With kind regards Your video-index Team. The scripts main purpose is not to inform you of NCZ's, but to prevent other players from breaking the NCZ Rule. Date of interaction reported: 23/FEB/2020 Unix time stamp from HUD: 1614117236 Your characters name: Anthony_Pierce Other player(s) involved: N/A Specific rule(s) broken: 14. In the event that. Hello ID 310 or Dom Rogers here and thank you for informing me of this report! From the evidence provided it can be seen that at no point was i ever in the drivers seat of any vehicle. Person 2 says: Well I must get going, again, pleasure to meet you. If your car is in need of some modifications or repairs, you can head down to one of the mechanic shops in town. • If they are not in compliance with plausible demands, attempt to escape, or call backup. It’s a good idea to think about how you’re gonna. <- That is improper because it is not very realistic for people to just go around asking for licenses. Person 2 says: Give me yours now. You may not commit crimes while on faction duty, and you may not utilize work vehicles for anything other than your work duties.Â. The following list of locations are places where you may not commit any crimes: There is a script in-game that will tell you whether or not you're in a No Crime Zone, and it will prevent other players from bobby-pinning vehicles or using commands that are used within robberies, however, the script does not have the final say when it comes to whether or not your breaching the NCZ rule, that is up to admin discretion. You can roleplay as a police officer, gangster, news anchor, and more! best. It is not good to always go into OOC, it’s best to remain IC as much as possible. Admin Discretion gives admins the power to punish players for offenses not listed in the rules below when a player's actions or general behavior creates a negative playing experience for another player, and/or is detrimental to the realistic roleplaying environment we aim to create … I would like to reiterate that this did not change the outcome, as my Kamacho was still going left, getting out of the way so they could continue East on that road. By treating yourself and your surroundings with respect, you’ll have less to spend less time waiting on medics and repairs, and have more times to roleplay. Report Eclipse Roleplay Guide | Server Rules Explained | GTA. Pay good attention to the chat, as the medic will ask for a lot of information and permissions, and they need your input! Say, I don’t believe we have met, what is your name, sir? We were told the car they were in and what care they were driving. at 4:29 you can see me coming towards the chase. Player(s) being reported: ID 231 ID 182 ID 60 ID 88 ID 300 ID 97 ID 236 ID 310 ID 70 ID 72 ID 21 ID 147 ID 95 Bengalis residing in and around Varthur. To learn someone’s name, you must do so by roleplaying ICly. Fear RP Rule Break: Tika nusovius asmenys, ID 136 pasake "Sukos", taip nevertinant savo gyvybes. This command is a command used to describe actions that are happening around you, specific details of the roleplay scenario, and are a strong roleplay enhancer. The deathmatching rule is in place to stop players from using out of character reasons to kill or grief another player's roleplay. Alright I've read the rules and taken this god forsaken test more times than I can count now and still no luck. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, those who graduated in the Class of 2018 with English as their academic discipline had an average starting salary of $36,268.. As of May 2019, the national mean annual salary was $53,490 for all occupations regardless of level, according to the United States Department of … Prior interaction should include escalation such as a robbery or a report to the police. Remember to read the official rule-book to understand absolutely there is to know about: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/68-eclipse-roleplay-server-rules/, [ECLIPSE Roleplay] Roleplay Guide - Version #3, Copyright © 2019 ECLIPSE Roleplay Your character would not know this information as you were informed of this on an OOC medium. Hello ID 97 here. ECLIPSE Roleplay server rules.pdf. Archived. Roleplaying is acting out or performing scenarios that may happen in the perspective of a make-believe person or character. Myself and 3 other Triads were riding around in a white Kamacho, and we had watched the reporting party go into Sealab. If you are unable to contact the players involved in the roleplay scenario occurring before your crash, gather evidence to prove you are actually experiencing issues preventing you from returning and contacting members involved in case you are reported.Â, A No Crime Zone (NCZ) is a term and rule used to describe “safe-zones” or zones in the server where crimes may not be committed under any circumstances. This hit regardless did not change the outcome, you can actively see in the screenshot I am attempting to turn to the left, and brake. We have many different ways of contacting staff including but not limited to: our help-desk in the discord server, our technical support section on the forums, or our /report command in-game. Person 2 says: I’m good, ma’am, how about you? You should never talk about your real life in voice-chat or in-character text chat under any circumstances. /, will show up above your head for other players and in a subtitle on the bottom of the screen for you. Examples of valid reasons to attack another player: • If they attempt to arrest or hurt you, an ally, or damage your property. /ame and /amy will show up above your head for other players and in a subtitle on the bottom of the screen for you. Criminal Roleplay is probably the most popular form of roleplay on Eclipse Roleplay. For example, if you rob someone on the edge of a No Crime Zone, the script may not say you're in a No Crime Zone, but you could still be in violation of the rule.Â. radio, /shout, /me, and /do. A valid response to his/her /, A police officer attempts to handcuff you and asks if you’d like to resist or not in a /do. Subject* Message* Thank you! About Us. Starting out can be a bit awkward, and you’ll have to look around to figure out what the best paid jobs and hotspots are. The following players will be required to provide their side of the story from this situation within the next twenty-four (24) hours: If the players above fail to respond to this report within the next twenty-four (24) hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability.Â, Hello ID 182 here ( Jake Le ).  I did not save any footage as I was not told that we'd need to save our POV for this situation. You must explain your reason to kill to the player IC and have OOC evidence proving your reason. So I start driving the mini van out of the lab just to circle back around on the mountain to get a better shot if a shootout were to happen. save. I have 2 more clips showing encounters at each lab we saw each other at. Hey guys! A player must allow their victim enough time to comply with the demands. There are many commands to assist you in roleplaying. I honestly forgot about that, because on my screen I did not hit him. Close Send Message. OOC should always be a last resort, as it can break up the roleplay heavily. Saying you are dying is wrong, as you technically don’t die, just black out. Mike Hawk, Mike Roch, Osvaldons Wife, First Last, etc.). If your game crashes, you must return to the game as soon as possible and inform the players you were roleplaying with that you are experiencing issues. After the reporting party decides to NOT engage in a shootout one of the triads decide to set up an ambush at North lab (The lab closest to new Bayview). Even suggesting to someone else in-game that your friend was arrested could be considered metagaming. Rule 0 is present to help understand players how rules are enforced by the admin team. Always follow the guidelines listed above. Saying you are dying is wrong, as you technically don’t die, just black out. This is considered non-roleplay because this is a very unrealistic action. I was shooting at their tires so he could spin out. If you ever encounter rule-breakers, you are always encouraged to report these players either via /report ingame or via a forum report. Eclipse RP Quiz. This means that you should show people and property the same amount of respect you would in real life. Think about their background, family life, education, social group, age, race, and personality type. report. Date of interaction reported: 5/28/20    2:00 am EST Evidence of rule breach: Thank you for your patience while this report is under review.Â. Name* Email* Phone. Flucifial, March 24, 2019 in FAQ & Server Guides, ECLIPSE Roleplay: Roleplay Guide The reason I chased them was because we received word from Triads ( our allies) that these guys engaged in trash talking/ threatening them at drugs labs. That is an out-of-character form of identification in order to track rule-breakers. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Out-Of-Character is any required communications between players. This article is a disambiguation page for Deathmatch The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. as this footage is for 2 days ago and reporting party never informed us that they want to report, I don't have any footage. Powergaming is the the act of using an in-game mechanic, any external information, or a roleplay concept to favor their own character or story, and give them an unfair or unrealistic advantage. at 3:23 you can hear someone in the reported parties video say that "I can ram them off the road. ),   Someone is attempting to take your life.. Fear roleplay, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', is the concept that your character is afraid to die. Please remember this is a game and everything said or done ICly must stay IC and not leak into the OOC realm of the community. A common example of this would be using a sport or super-car to ram other vehicles. Person 2 says: My name is Michael, ma’am… and you? Thank you for reporting the video. You can check if you are within a No Crime Zone in-game using /ncz, however, it is up to admin discretion on whether or not you're within the safety of a No Crime Zone. You are allowed to flea from law enforcement officers within No Crime Zones, but refusing to obey them without fleeing is considered breaching NCZ.Â. It's at 2:29 in the video and was the first hostile act. If you ever encounter rule-breakers, you are always encouraged to report these players either via /report, human being. Always ensure to follow the Eclipse Roleplay Server Guidelines & Rules when performing criminal roleplay to ensure everyone has a fun and pleasant experience during this roleplay, especially the victims of the crimes. Why do you continue to shoot after their vehicle is already disabled, still not giving any demands? Make your character interesting so that others can enjoy your roleplay and to help influence others to roleplay creatively too. So as others have said, the incident happened a few days ago and I also was not informed a report would be made so I have no evidence. https://streamable.com/3i1lyk  Clip 1 If you are on-duty as a Government Faction Employee, you must never go AFK for more than 5 minutes, use a macro to make money, or perform Criminal Roleplay where there are severe law breaches. Revenge Killing is a term that describes a player that kills another player simply because they’ve killed them before. Why do you go around to finish them off afterwards? Be gentle and patient with your fellow players! There’s different categories of deathmatching: The New Life Rule (NLR) states that once you have died, your character forgets all of the events leading up to their death including the identity of their killer or reason of death. In order to follow the powergaming rule, you must always word your /me’s, /ame’s, /my’s, and /amy’s in a way that will give the other player the opportunity to resist, in the event your /me’s, /ame’s, /my’s, or /amy’s are directed towards other players. If you want a repair, tell them what damage you have to your damage in a /do. <- Again, that is also improper because this is not a very well roleplayed meeting scenario. The Rapid GT opened fire as soon as they were hit again, because by then we knew it wasn't desync, the reporting party was clearly attempting to hit the rapid. Player(s) being reported: Unknown ID(s), Reported Party are affiliated with the Russian gang. Powergaming can take several forms, but it is generally rooted in “playing to win” or a focus on playing the game, instead of honoring the creative roleplay. Park up in the area indicated to you, and wait for a mechanic to come over to you. In addition to that, you must RP fear when a situation arises in which you would most likely have a sense of fear in real life. Pay good attention to the chat, as the medic will ask for a lot of information and permissions, and they need your input! Person 1: /me offers a warm and inviting smile to the man. We found them and started chasing. The applicant arrives and walks into the office, and you want them to know your name via the nametag on your desk. Roleplay Logging, or Combat Logging, is a term that is used to refer to those players that log. Little did they know, this information was immediately relayed to us.  Why are you opening fire on them without giving any demands? /my wallet would fall out of his pocket and onto the floor. They did not get out of their vehicle however, because some other Triads, that were wearing their colors, came up in a Triad colored minivan. @CarryOut I'm talking about the first ram that started this whole situation. If you ever need medical attention, call 911 on your phone and ask for the medics. Some of theÂ, of metagaming are: talking OOCly in VOIP, relaying your location to a player via discord as you're being robbed, private messag, a friend your location, etc. or other actions that may be taken towards your resistant character. level 1. When the vehicle stopped one of them tried to escape as you can see from the footage he was running towards scrapyard. Powered by Invision Community. I'm really new to roleplaying and am really excited about trying to join Eclipse RP...however I cannot for the life of me pass the quiz!!! Players may not kill victims who have complied with a plausible demand in reasonable time unless involved in severe hostile activity against them or an ally within 3 hours. Eclipse RP Quiz. This entire guide is based off the latest rule-book, released February 25th, 2019. If you ever need medical attention, call 911 on your phone and ask for the medics. "  During a traffic stop scenario, you must maintain a good roleplay standard. it, maybe even typing it out beforehand. /me reaches for his penis (always ask for sexual roleplay consent first!). Always ensure to follow the Eclipse Roleplay Server Guidelines & Rules when performing criminal roleplay to ensure everyone has a fun and pleasant experience during this roleplay, especially the victims of the crimes. Next are a few, up to date, examples of common roleplay interactions. Need help with the quiz, I’ve taken it 4 times and twice with the rule book open. 81% Upvoted. Vehicles cannot be used as a weapon in an active shootout unless it's unavoidable when fleeing an active shootout. Powergaming is a term that describes performing unrealistic roleplay or forcing roleplay on others without giving them the opportunity to resist or fight back. After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, I have decided to deny this report for the following reason(s): This decision is final. /me offers the man a warm and inviting smile. Things, like putting on your seatbelt or stating an environmental /do. First of all I would like to take the time to thank the staff members for tagging me on the report. I gave him demands and plenty of time to cooperate but he didn't. Please post any footage you may have. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. By Varthur Bengali Association. A player may not attempt to retrieve stolen assets after they have died (including government faction members. EclipseRP is a heavy roleplay server so it is understandable if it takes a while to get used to! Character names should also not be intentional joke names. Person 1 says: My name is Vera, pleasure to meet you. The reason behind me shooting at them at the first place was the driver started INTENTIONALLY ramming the rapid GT. There are many commands to assist you in performing Criminal Roleplay, they are listed on our official Commands List. Whether you’re a cop, civilian, government faction employee, or another gang member being challenged by a large group of people, you should try to act intimidated to maintain a good roleplay standard. An hour later they were found again, by Zetas and we were informed.  ECLIPSE Roleplay server rules.pdf. Make your character interesting so that others can enjoy your roleplay and to help influence others to roleplay creatively too. You need a legitment copy of Grand Theft Auto V to play Mafia City Roleplay. When we started taking off the white kamacho started hitting us to try to keep us there or stall us. Try to help them out in some of our out-of-character chats to influence them to become better roleplayers. A valid /do for this situation would be: To learn someone’s name, you must do so by roleplaying. I happened to find them, I called on radio that I had eyes on them and was told to follow them until triads could take over. /me takes the AK-47 off of his back and aims it at Christopher’s head. Â, we swerved a bit pushing one car wide on the side of the road, The reporting party even admits to ramming one of the vehicles, which further proves the hit was not desync. Deathmatch (DM) Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without a proper roleplay reason and interaction. /me attempts to kick Melissa down on the ground; /do Would I be successful? These group of four commands are all used to describe actions or things that are happening to your character. Be creative with your roleplay! You are in your office awaiting an applicant to arrive for an interview at Downtown Cab Company. In this server, you will encounter amazing roleplayers, and you will encounter bad roleplayers, and some may have bad, or even malicious intents. A player cannot kill their victim if the victim is in compliance with the demands. Deathmatching is the act of killing or attacking other players without having a valid in character reason to do so. can help spice up your RP with little effort. Mafia City Roleplay, GTA V VOICE Roleplay. Person 1 says: K, bye, lol. Try being descriptive when telling the dispatch what your problem is, and keep your description in character. The most you can do on an out-of-character level in relation to ECLIPSE Roleplay, is ask your friends to log into the game, however, any other events that will occur in the game must happen ICly.Â. To let the transition look good, refrain from starting your first word after the command with a capital letter, and talk about yourself in, In order to follow the powergaming rule, you must always word your /me’s, /, in a way that will give the other player the opportunity to resist, in the event your /me’s, /. Everyone needs to treat each other with mutual respect on this server. It was not my intention to hit them in this specific interaction, but I understand if it looks as if I did.  Right before this we also shouted "Swat pull over the vehicle!" If that doesn’t work and you have a problem with another player, handle it privately, rather than having an open argument on the radio/in chat in the game or in a public forum like Discord or Twitch. When finished, thank your mechanic and drive off again! A common definition of this term is using out-of-character information to your in-character advantage. Vehicle Deathmatching: If you ever have any questions or would like some help in-game with roleplaying, don’t be afraid to reach out to the Eclipse Staff team! The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 375 open source projects, including runtimes, tools and frameworks. When they ask you what they can help you with, be a bit descriptive in what you want. (Ex. RULE 11-Only cops could have blue cars with white stripes RULE 12-No bullet proof tires at all RULE 13-No sticky bombs (Police may, only for destroying evidence) RULE 14-No armored cars RULE 15-If you want to join make sure you have read these rules! The medic asks what sort of visible injuries she would see on you.
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