The most commonly seen species in veterinary medicine is Otodectes cynotis (Gk. And if there is a real benefit, then we still don’t know whether to attribute that benefit to ivermectin or to doxycycline, or to some combination of the two. In a pandemic OCT’s, whilst obviously not as reliable as RCTs are of immense value, as are country cases and anecdotal evidence. Even vitamin D gets frowned on by government. As a young MD, I learned that saving lives is one of our purposes. Have you been able to look closer at this Argentine study that I’ve seen many Ivermectin references to : : Dr. Kory states in the end, that the NIH recommends against the use of Ivermectin outside of clinical trials. Funnily enough, even though they included asymptomatic people, they excluded people with severe covid, so this was really a trial of people with mild to non-existent disease. If not, then I have read that it is possible to obtain it from a veterinarian. I am rolling out a ton of new science-backed content over the coming months, including: - Analyses of the benefits and risks of all common supplements and medications Re “I keep wondering if the new strain(s) are ‘escaped immunity’ derived responses to Astra-Zeneca trials in GB, BR, SA. Dosages used for preventing heartworm infections are generally relatively low, with little risk of side effects. Like the previous study, this was posted on MedRxiv in early January 2021. This should especially be applied to people in high-risk groups. That means the research on ivermectin as a treatment for covid has been pretty much entirely carried out outside the west. I think we all have to be clear though that covid has only been around for a year, so discovering an effective treatment for a new disease within a year is not slow, it is unbelievably fast. [9] Both of these antiparasitics have also been used with good effect in cats and dogs. Ear mites do not burrow as some mites do, but live within the ear canal. Unfortunately the researchers decided to break randomization because they felt it would be “unethical” to put people with critical illness in to the control group (personally I think it’s unethical to break randomization, because the results become less scientifically valid and thereby less useful to all the other millions of patients around the world). nurses, doctors, police etc, certainly not without clear informed consent about the risks and benefits for their age group. 45-54 years – 15,558 The short-tailed opossums are fairly hardy pets. The results were comparable. It will be interesting to see what those studies show, when they do get published. What “covid”, then, is Ivermectin treating? More than half a century of clinical practice is a powerful bias when looking for people that are ill. If it’s plausible, then why so few studies a year into the pandemic? The primary end point was time to recovery. 18 January, 2021 at 00:33 So, technically, this study wasn’t actually randomized at all. The most common ear mite (as well as mange mite) treatments currently use the antiparasitics ivermectin and selamectin, usually as topical preparations. Those with mild symptoms had to have been symptomatic for three days or less, while those with severe symptoms had to have had severe symptoms for at most two days, and those with critical symptoms had to have had critical symptoms for at most one day. Would be interesting to see if there’s any correlation between this and COVID severity/moribidity. I am a very old MD. Yet another Lancet study designed NOT to show the efficacy of a repurposed drug treatment. “The British vaccine, which is the one that could be going into people’s arms, it’s already going into people, but it could be going into large numbers of people as early as September,” he confirms.” Just as they did with their flawed study of HCQ that had to shamefully be retracted. They have already put about 600 people out in the community with it in Britain. There is of course, as always, a risk of publication bias. Hi Sebastian, Slices are in a link so you can download the whole PP deck. Given there are alternatives to the vaccine ex. If one were to contract Covid, and asked a doctor for this treatment – is it likely they would prescribe this drug? Three people died in the control group, compared with zero people in the treatment group. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. However the result was not statistically significant (which of course doesn’t mean that there isn’t a difference – even if there is a real difference in mortality, this study simply was not large enough to be able to detect it). However, since mite irritation is partly allergic (see scabies), symptoms may also outlive mites by weeks. Boring colleagues to death… Ear mites of dogs and cats can be treated with any of the spot-on preparations available from veterinary surgeons as well as over the counter at many pet stores and online. Looking at the US statistics above, in my opinion it is wrong that vaccination has been implemented for this coronavirus… Sorry. 1-4 years – 21 Pharma giant Merck is running a large, late-stage trial on a pill called molnupiravir, originally developed by Ridgeback Biotherapeutics for influenza, which has been shown to cure ferrets … Let’s move on. Under 1 – 34, These deaths occurred over nearly 12 months, in a population of around 328 million…. Here is another article, which also tells you a bit more about the actual effects of ivermectin. Maybe that wouldn’t be such a problem if we could be 100% confident that there was complete blinding of the participants and the researchers, but based on the information provided I’m not even remotely certain that that was the case. In 1985, canine distemper slashed numbers of black-footed ferrets in Wyoming. It’s diabolical that this vaccination frenzy is occurring. Last week you said “covid” was a positive test result, no symptoms required. 25-34 years – 2,196 {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Ferret Flea Control. I think that very much depends on what country you are in. As with the previous study, the treatment being tested was ivermectin plus doxycycline. What this one shows is a 78% reduction in the relative risk of dying of covid, if you get treated with ivermectin! This was an open-label trial (i.e. Thankyou very much. Let’s move on to the next trial. The result was highly statistically significant (p-value < 0,0001). Thus this wasn’t really a trial of ivermectin, it was a trial of ivermectin + doxycycline. Heartworms in dogs are easy to prevent, but difficult and costly to cure. There are currently five trials of ivermectin for covid listed as completed at, but for which results haven’t yet been published. NIH Revises Treatment Guidelines for Ivermectin for the Treatment of COVID-19 Just go to, and look for their meta-analysis, for the protocol they recommend (which includes ivermectin, Vit C, D, zinc, melatonin, and quercetin), and also for their advanced treatment protocol I-MATH, which includes high-dose Vit C, blood thinners, and steroids (this one has been highly successful since March). (Table 3). Patients were randomized to either 200 ug/kg of ivermectin per day (roughly 14 mg per day for an average 70 kg person) for two days, and 100 mg of doxycycline twice a day for five to ten days. Thank you once again, Dr Rushworth, for this important information. The interest in ivermectin as a potential treatment for covid-19 is likely due to a study published way back in June of 2020, that showed a large reduction in SARS-CoV-2 in a cell culture after addition of ivermectin. The meta-analyses show concrete evidence of efficacy. It is my understanding that if a person actually has the disease and has a positive PCR test when they have recovered from the disease they may or will still have a positive PCR test since the test be positive even if there are harmless viral fragments present. I must told you all [with less practice time] that sulphamides were raised to heaven when someone published a study about the cure of only 9 women with post-puerperal sepsis, before the WWII. I’m for any treatment, that ends the mass hysteria that is going on right now. That would mean that four out of five covid deaths could be avoided if everyone was treated with ivermectin (potentially together with doxycycline), a dirt cheap generic drug that’s been around for decades, and which we know is safe. It is a condition almost always fatal in our days of antibiotics. I keep wondering if the new strain(s) are ‘escaped immunity’ derived responses to Astra-Zeneca trials in GB, BR, SA. Everyone’s complaining in our country about lack of hospital beds. The results are somewhat promising, but that’s really all we can say. Other, more serious problems can result from untreated infections, such as skin disease in areas other than the ear like the neck and tail, and deafness. They do seem to suffer from anal prolapse, which can be effectively prevented with ivermectin twice a year. What do you think about that? Two doses on Day 1 AND Day 3. We are losing 4K plus each day in the US. So, the final study gives a weirdly mixed message. Could it also have ANTI-INFLAMMATORY activity? I grokked the VAERS data in the US. It makes one wonder if they have their action outside the pathways that NSAIDs influence. If the study had been double-blind, and it was very clear exactly what the criteria for “recovery” were, that would be a very impressive result, especially considering that the people in the treatment group were on average sicker to start. Will the mediterranean diet make you live longer? This is a problematic end point, because a couple of the things in that list are not very specific, which leaves it up to the researchers to decide whether someone has recovered within seven days or not. I’ve managed to find four reasonably large randomized controlled trials looking at ivermectin for covid, and those are the trials we’re now going to discuss (I also found a fifth one, but it only enrolled 12 patients in each group, which to me is so small it’s not even worth looking at). It’s perfectly feasible we will see this vaccine rolled out in the United Kingdom in September. On average it took nine days for participants in the control group to become PCR negative, six days for participants in the low dose ivermectin group, and five days in the high dose ivermectin group. At the six day time point, 68% in the control group still had a positive covid PCR, compared with 76% in the ivermectin group. 2. oto=ear, dectes=biter, cynotis=of the dog). However, since neither of those things are true, the result is highly questionable. here a 12 min video re his findings: This WHO-sponsored review of ivermectin trials indicates 83% reduction in covid mortality. Looks like we have lost at least 50 to vaccination., …and NIH updated section 106 (14.01.20121): However, all four trials had major flaws, and two of the trials that did find a benefit were also giving doxycycline, which makes it impossible to disentangle whether the potential benefit was coming from ivermectin or doxycycline. Since the control group was given an active drug rather than a placebo, we can’t say for certain whether the ivermectin is helping the patients, even if there is a positive treatment effect. We need to, like a court of law, look at the sum of all evidence. Magnus, I suspect Ivermectin won’t be approved in the UK. I’m not an expert, but he seems to be credible to me. We asked Sheldon Rubin, 2007-2010 president of the American Heartworm Society, to separate facts from the myths about heartworm infestations in dogs.. Q: How do dogs get heartworms?. What we really need now is a big, high quality, double-blind, randomized controlled trial of ivermectin as a treatment covid. The intervention group received a single 12 mg dose of ivermectin plus 100 mg of doxycycline twice a day for five days (doxycycline is an antibiotic). This is not clear. Interview with and presentation by Dr Pierre Kory, FLCCC Alliance. You asked in the article, “why study people with a mild course of disease?” If you consider the objective of preventing people from being hospitalized and potentially dying, or having their symptoms progress to a severe course disease, then doesn’t it make sense to address their symptoms early, knock out the infection with something that has been shown to be very effective and safe? I would be surprised if we do., Dr. Rushworth: This is a group of U.S. doctors using ivermectin: At present there are 33 studies showing very impressive results of ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of covid. The average age of the patients was 53 years. There are also now a number of directories of physicians prescribing these treatments, such as (scroll down, and this is another sources for a variety of established protocols). 65-74 years – 70,230 Histopathology in Pets. However, again, this result was not statistically significant (p-value 0,36). And if there wasn’t blinding, then the researchers could easily have manipulated the results to make them appear more impressive. In the ivermectin + doxycycline group there were 11 people with severe disease and 11 people with critical disease, while in the control group there were 22 people with severe disease and no people with critical disease. So let’s have a quick peek over at, and see if there is anything suspicious going on. This one by Dr Andrew Hill of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool (UK), sponsored by the WHO: From this page: “What we’re going to see from those is whether there are any untoward effects. In vitro (test tube) studies have found that it significantly decreases the rate at which new viral particles are produced. As you will also know, Nobel award winning ivermectin (ok, the inventors) is probably one of the safest drugs known to man with a consumption of over 3.7 billion people since the late 70’s. Well done on this post. The most commonly seen species in veterinary medicine is Otodectes cynotis (Gk. 55-64 years – 38,830 Just as in the previous study, the researchers have chosen a totally meaningless end point, that tells us nothing about whether the drug in any way actually helps patients. It was double-blind, which is good, but unfortunately it was very small. Ferrets. His an article with links to a youtube summary and other resources:, EVMS’s covid protocol is at With ferrets, the antibody reduced viral RNA and infectious virus titer in the nasal wash at 3 days post-infection (dpi), with undetectable infectious virus by 6 dpi. 35-44 years – 5,742 It blows all the currently approved drugs for covid out of the water in terms of effect size. Luckily, they did actually measure some other things too, that actually do matter, like length of hospital stay, ICU admission, and death. So all participants with critical covid recruited in to the study ended up in the ivermectin + doxycycline group. I guess it stems mainly from a hypothesis that ivermectin is unlikely to be effective if given later in the disease course. So why this vicious push-back from global health authorities? Dr Rushmore, here are two more sources of reviews of trials of ivermectin. The study was carried out in Nigeria. Ear mites are mites that live in the ears of animals and humans. In addition to the ANTI-INFLAMMATORY steroid dexamethasone recent results supporting a couple -***umab type ANTI-INFLAMMATORY agents have also shown some benefit. The first trial was carried out in Bangladesh and completed in October. This is accompanied by the Pinnal-Pedal Reflex that appears as reflex scratching motions of the hind limb when the ear is manipulated (this test is positive as well in other mite infections of the outside and rim of the ear pinnas in mange). I’m sure that kind of data can be found. So the risk of publication bias seems to be relatively low. I follow also Dr Andrew Hill and FLCC (Front Line Corona Care – a group of doctors in the US) which both collect quiet in depth material on clinical trials re Ivermectin. Maybe CV vaccines are dangerous?” Two people died in the ivermectin + doxycycline group, compared with six people in the control group. Selamectin is available as a once-a-month preparation that can be applied to the animal's skin, which prevents mite infestation over that time. Symptoms include scratching and shaking of the head. Before MD started to lie for money, double-blind, statistically aided studies didn’t exist. Anyway, let’s take a quick look at the results and then move on to the next study. Maybe CV vaccines are dangerous? [5], The ear mite is the most common cause of ear infections in cats, quickly spreading from one cat to another through direct contact. In both cases, they were challenged with the virus and showed it prevented infection. However, as with all three previous studies, this study was far too small to say whether that difference was really due to ivermectin or just due to chance. Excellent work! The study was carried out in Iraq. There was apparently no requirement that they have any symptoms. Not to forget, that out of these Covid-related deaths interestingly nearly half had influenza and pneumonia as a comorbidity. But we still need to know whether it’s a good idea to give it to people with severe disease, so it’s unfortunate that this group was excluded in three out of the four studies. They are fundamental bur never during a crisis. However, both studies have flawed methodologies that make the results suspect. This also seems impressive, but again, the study isn’t statistically powered to show an effect on mortality. The top brands of Ivermectin for cattle injection (ever tried to give a pill to a 1200 pd steer?) of infection. are selling so well that my usual suppliers are running short. Why did the world react so hysterically to covid. This species, despite its name, is also responsible for 90% of ear mite infections in cats. The third group was the “control” group, but for some reason the researchers opted to give the “control” group lopinavir/ritonavir rather than a placebo. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. For some reason, when I try to paste the links here I want to share, I am not able to submit a comment, but I highly recommend you check out the work the Frontline Critical Care Alliance has already done, including their meta-analysis of 27 controlled trials on ivermectin. Ear mites spread rapidly, and can be transmitted from even brief physical contact with other animals. The number of participants is tiny, the control group isn’t a real control group, and the results are based entirely on the flawed PCR-test, not on any real reduction in symptoms or in any other outcome that actually matters in any way. It was double-blind, and it was carried out in India. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Two grams taken in applesauce steadies the bowels, and is reported to be prophylactic. Here is a pretty new interview by Dr. Pierre Kory and it is supposed to be for Doctors around the world. This is very problematic in an unblinded study, because “time to recovery” is quite subjective, and it is very easy for the researchers to manipulate the results in whatever direction they want. The studies trials conducted might not be the best in the world but they were all conducted independently by doctors and institutions who were working with Covid patients and who were witnessing IVM’s effect. The primary end point for the study was recovery within seven days, which the researchers defined as follows: absence of a fever for at least three days, significant improvement in respiratory symptoms, significant improvement on lung imaging, absence of complications requiring hospitalization, and an oxygen saturation above 93% . However, four out of those five were completed less than two months ago, and one was completed three months ago, so most likely they just haven’t gotten around to posting their results yet. Although, I suppose one could posit that she is around 11-12 years beyond average life span–so why not? A total of 400 people were recruited in to the trial, and they were divided evenly between the intervention group and the control group. In a window of a house in my village I saw today startk warnings on handwritten posters, NOT to take the vaccine – interesting! You can sign up to be a patron by clicking on the button below. I’m afraid the site crashed, so any comments made in the last hour appear to have been erased. 1. It was discovered in the 1970’s, and the researchers who discovered it were awarded the Nobel prize for their discovery in 2015. Health and medical information grounded in science. Female mites are able to reproduce after about 3 weeks. Husbandry and Health of … The money has been spent instead on testing and contact tracing. All levels of severity of disease were admitted in to the study. Note that (as far as I’m aware) none of these studies has yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. And if it’s effective, then used as a prophylaxis. The researchers motivate this somewhat weird set of inclusion criteria by saying that they wanted to see how effective ivermectin plus doxycycline is at the earliest stage of each phase of the disease. Here’s the updated meta-analysis, including the Egyptian study that I had missed earlier: As with ivermectin, selamectin must be used with caution in collies and herder breeds with the possibility for homozygous MDR1 mutations. Dr Lawrie’s analysis followed a rigorous protocol and only 5 RCTs passed muster and they were deemed to be of moderate certainty. It then went into six monkeys. contain 1% Ivermectin and nothing else but Propylene glycol and Glycerol formal, both safe for human consumption. Ivermectin is available as a direct water-based liquid that is squeezed into the ear canal and massaged at the base of the ear to distribute the medication. So in terms of the more serious end points, that actually matter to patients, ivermectin seems to be better than placebo. Patients with severe covid were excluded from the study. If the results are real, the effect is actually pretty impressive. Relief, in terms of the cat or dog no longer scratching at his or her ears, will be noticeable within a few hours., Today I’ve forwarded an email to Professor Allen Cheng, one of the major influencers on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy in Australia. Let’s look instead at some metrics that actually do matter. At the two week mark after recruitment in to the study, participants had a second PCR test performed. Moreover, it may take topical antibiotics and several weeks to clear infected external wounds caused by scratching on the exterior surfaces of cat and dog ears. Symptoms include itching and redness of the ears. Norway has apparently lost 33? Poorer countries, that can’t afford expensive new drugs. 15-24 years – 510 I haven’t been infected with Covid 19 in the past year as my lifestyle helps that but if I had a vaccine some would say , ‘the vaccine has worked’. When the ear mite infection is treated, such wounds resolve spontaneously, and this resolution may be speeded with application of topical antibiotics. Phil, it’s hydroxychloroquine that is the ionophore. It’s cheap, safe and readily available – and plenty of evidence indicating an effective treatment (if administered early in combination with zinc). Please provide your e-mail address below and you will get all this content straight to your inbox the moment it is released. It’s exactly the way the Ebola vaccine was tested.” September? Her video message to Boris Johnson was removed from Youtube. Dr Andrew Hill of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool (UK) is currently performing a WHO-sponsored review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of ivermectin against covid., And a january review:, In french-with interesting references:, Here is an interview with Professor Borody from August last which I hope is of interest Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Not much. At least Skopje/North Macedonia has recommended ivermectin for the treatment of covid. Option for treating ear mites in rabbits are the related antiparasitics ivermectin and selamectin. Will vigorous exercise make you live longer? Treatment includes topical selamectin, or injections of ivermectin and frequent cleanings of the rabbit's environment.[8]. This species, despite its name, is also responsible for 90% of ear mite infections in cats. Next up we have a trial that went up on MedRxiv at the beginning of January 2021. However, it is not clear from the published data that the study really was effectively blinded, and that means we can’t be very confident that the results are real. Their response is here: If you find value in the content I produce, then please support my work by becoming a patron. I just feel that so much testing is actually being done, post-approval. Personally, I don’t think peer-review is worth very much, so that doesn’t bother me at all, but it’s just something to be aware of. from beginning of February 2020:, 85 years and older – 105,673 However, the fact that everyone with critical illness was placed in the treatment group should make the treatment look worse, not better, so if there is a positive effect of treatment in spite of that, then it’s likely bigger than this study shows.
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