Biochim Biophys Acta. Genet Sel Evol. heavy skin pigmentation despite the far northern latitude at which they live. Itan Y, Powell A, Beaumont MA, Burger J, Thomas MG. 2002;15:269–76. PubMed  A biological adaptation is a trait that has evolved over time because it increases the likelihood that a person will survive long enough to reproduce, thus allowing the survival of … also due to the presence of melanin. phosphorus from food for bone growth and repair. For instance, the light skin variant at rs1426654 in SLC24A5 could explain 22–32% of the variance of the melanin index in South Asian [75] and 25–38% in African-American and African-Caribbean populations [118]. The former is mainly accumulated in the light-complexioned people, while the latter is mostly produced in the dark-complexioned people [1,2,3,4,5]. They are A study on the genomes of Anatolian Neolithic farmers in West Eurasia (6500–300 BC), who are probably the source population of the first European farmers, suggests that the light skin color has been evolved since at least 6500–4000 years ago [98]. We enumerated several cases of skin color adaptation in global modern humans and archaic hominins, and illustrated why, when, and how skin color adaptation occurred in different populations. 2013;22:2948–59. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2009;125:909–17. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. This makes the Inuit population an exception of the latitude-correlated distribution of skin color. Natural skin color can also darken as a result of tanning due to exposure to sunlight. 2014;514:445–50. 2011;2:1000139. Genomics. Gerbault P, Moret C, Currat M, Sanchez-Mazas A. Similar cases have been found in the high-altitude adaptation of Tibetans and the immunity adaptation in some modern human populations, and even in the evolution of pigmentation phenotypes in non-human species [56, 64]. The epidermis is the outermost layer; it is a waterproof barrier that gives skin its tone. Skin color and nutrient photolysis: an evolutionary hypothesis. Lambert Gloger, a 19th century 2006;443:850–3. We present in this paper an approach to image chromatic adaptation using neural networks (NN) with application for detecting adapting human skin color. New Nature. López S, García Ó, Yurrebaso I, Flores C, Acosta-Herrera M, Chen H, et al. Populations closer to the equator tend to have dark skin for protection against UV, since overexposure to UV may decrease folic acid levels [8, 9] and cause skin cancer [10,11,12,13]. 2012;13:248. When drawing conclusions of adaptive introgression, we are actually claiming that Neanderthals could be light-complexioned. radiation There are no people who actually have true black, white, red, or yellow skin. 2007 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, a research team led by Lisa Evolution of the pygmy phenotype: evidence of positive selection from genome-wide scans in African, Asian, and Melanesian pygmies. research by Nina Jablonski and George Chaplin has led to the discovery that California Privacy Statement, Cerqueira CCS, Paixão-Côrtes VR, Zambra FMB, Salzano FM, Hünemeier T, Bortolini MC. 2). 2009;4:e6369. J Biol Chem. Vet Pathol. Melanophore density in … women generally produce 3-4% less melanin in their skin than do men in all ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin may cause the breakdown of folate in the body, which can cause anemia. When we look at the basic characteristics of life, two of the important features for survival are effective intragroup communication and response to the ecological environment. disorder are in the temperate regions of the world where the sunlight is vitamin D may help prevent a wide range of cancers, including those of the Hum Mol Genet. Genes involved in the skin color adaptation in East Asians are not that well studied compared to the long list of adaptive genes identified in Europeans. Nature has selected for people with darker skin in tropical latitudes, Google ScholarÂ. Tanning People who live in far 2014;153:653–62. Am J Hum Genet. heavily pigmented animals are to be found Part of Skin Color Adaptation Human skin color is quite variable around the world. African-Americans obtained the largest genetic contribution (~80%) from the African ancestry [65], Latin American mestizos have the least proportion of African ancestry (~10%) [66, 67], while in European Africans, the genetic components inherited from Europeans (~42%) and Africans (~58%) are comparable [68]. Genes linked to skin color have may be the strongest indicator of whether or not a person is deficient in vitamin D, a new study suggests. Int J Cancer. Melanesian blond hair is caused by an amino acid change in TYRP1. For instance, we can consume diets rich in folate and vitamin D. Delfin F, Myles S, Choi Y, Hughes D, Illek R, van Oven M, et al. Tennessen JA, Akey JM. Google ScholarÂ. 2005;18:220–3. body's supply of folate in addition to reducing the chances of developing Press. The OCA2 protein is thought to be a mature melanosomal membrane protein [44], with a potential role in protein transportation into melanosomes [45]. Additionally, the derived allele at rs642742 in KITLG may account for lightening of a person’s skin by 6 to 7 melanin units, nearly 1/5 of the overall skin reflectance difference between West Africans and Europeans (30 melanin units) [56]. Ding Q, Hu Y, Xu S, Wang C, Li H, Zhang R, et al. This gene is expressed in melanocytes and plays a key role in controlling the switch from pheomelanin to eumelanin [31]. Beleza et al. As a result of this hybrid adaptation, we obtain a local skin color model and we use it to extract seeds for the geodesic distance transform that determines the boundaries of skin regions. 2016;33:1177–87. Mariat D, Taourit S, Guérin G. A mutation in the MATP gene causes the cream coat colour in the horse. Shriver MD, Parra EJ, Dios S, Bonilla C, Norton H, Jovel C, et al. The aboriginal populations in different areas around the world have many implications for human evolutionary history. It was 45% a decade earlier. Previous studies generally indicated a complex genetic mechanism underlying the skin color variation, expanding our understanding of the role of population demographic history and natural selection in shaping genetic and phenotypic diversity in humans. volume 155, Article number: 1 (2018) Two models of the evolutionary architecture of human pigmentation were proposed on the basis of the above results and other related studies (Fig. There are exceptions to This is due to the fact that they produce a defective form of a skin protein Edwards M, Bigham A, Tan J, Li S, Gozdzik A, Ross K, et al. Bodnar of the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health reported that Article  Cis-regulatory changes in kit ligand expression and parallel evolution of pigmentation in sticklebacks and humans. Pilot study of folate status in healthy volunteers and in patients with psoriasis before and after UV exposure. Donnelly MP, Paschou P, Grigorenko E, Gurwitz D, Barta C, Lu RB, et al. The 2007-2008 The genetic mechanism underlying the shared phenotypes among these geographically distant populations (collectively called Negritos or Pygmies), from Central Africa, the Andaman Islands, Southeast Asia and Oceania, are still controversial; for example, whether they were the common descent from a pre-Neolithic substrate of humanity or a consequence of convergent evolution [77, 78]. Article  Gunnarsson U, Hellström AR, Tixier-Boichard M, Minvielle F, Bed’hom B, Ito S, et al. 2016;538:510–3. Nat Genet. Nan H, Kraft P, Hunter DJ, Han J. folate are at a higher risk of having 2009;72:876–9. Skin color adaptation is a complex process because different populations have shared and independent genetic mechanisms involving a large number of genes with different effect advantages on the phenotype. Skin and hair pigmentation variation in island Melanesia. Myles S, Somel M, Tang K, Kelso J, Stoneking M. Identifying genes underlying skin pigmentation differences among human populations. In contrast, some variants, such as rs3212357 in MC1R (under positive selection in Europeans), present low frequencies in Africans. Mate selection preference and other cultural practices may also The Inuit case described earlier suggests Many variants have been identified in MC1R, such as rs1805007, rs1805008, and rs3212357 [35, 36], despite its small size (951 bp). native populations collected by R. Klungland H, Vâge DI, Gomez-Raya L, Adalsteinsson S, Lien S. The role of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) receptor in bovine coat color determination. 2001;293:455–62. Second, the admixed populations usually have a wide range of variations regarding some specific phenotypes, which may increase the power of locating genes associated with complex traits/diseases after controlling potential population stratification. in the southern hemisphere near the equator and light color What controls variation in human skin color? Sulem P, Gudbjartsson DF, Stacey SN, Helgason A, Rafnar T, Magnusson KP, et al. population diversity and adaptive evolution in keratinization genes: impact of environment in shaping skin phenotypes. 2009;18:9–17. MC1R gene variants and sporadic malignant melanoma susceptibility in the Canary Islands population. Mol Biol Evol. CAS  especially in nonforested regions, where ultraviolet had adequate amounts of vitamin D at birth. We believe that these studies may greatly enrich our knowledge of human evolution history and elucidate the genetic basis of complex traits in humans. It ranges from a very dark brown among Since modern humans ventured out of Africa ~100,000 years ago, they spread across continents into a variety of habitats, from tropical zones to the arctic, and from lowlands to highlands. Vernot B, Akey JM. result in DNA changes and, subsequently, several kinds of PLoS Genet. Terms and Conditions, Science. Author information: (1)Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Key Laboratory of Computational Biology, Max Planck Independent Research Group on Population Genomics, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB), Shanghai Institutes for Biological … BMC Genet. Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P PA. Olalde I, Allentoft ME, Sánchez-Quinto F, Santpere G, Chiang CWK, DeGiorgio M, et al. 1978;201:625–6. 2013;13:150. (b) Skin color comparison between Inuit and Swedish from similar latitudes. The selection coefficients for pigmentation genes are among the most strongly selected genes in the human genome, indicating a severe selective pressure caused by UV or some other environmental changes in non-African regions. In response, they The skin is a thin layer of tissue that sits on the upper part of the human body or the body of an animal and has up to seven layers of tissue that guards the internal organs of the body (Dhugga et al., 2014). Initial characterization of the GH-IGF axis and nutritional status of the Ati Negritos of the Philippines. Did skin color develop as an adaptation to cope with the damaging effects of sunlight. Armstrong BK, Kricker A. J Photochem Photobiol B Biol. For instance, KITLG exhibits a selective sweep in non-Africans [50,51,52]. 2012;29:545–64. in our food. Nat Rev Immunol. Neanderthal origin of the haplotypes carrying the functional variant Val92Met in the MC1R in modern humans. As one of the most obvious changes in the environment after modern human migrated out of Africa to higher latitudes, UV has exerted considerable selective pressures on human skin pigmentation, which can be reflected by selection coefficients of the pigmentation-related genes. 2010;6:e1000867. Nature. Heritability and genome-wide association studies for hair color in a Dutch twin family based sample. By quantitative analysis and goodness-of-fit test, we reveal that (1) skin-color differences among people can be reduced by intensity normalization, and (2) under a certain lighting condition, a skin-color distribution can be characterized by a multivariate normal distribution in the normalized color … These cases show the similarities and differences of mechanisms of skin color adaptation across populations, and provide some insights into human evolutionary history. The average faces of African, European, and African America were downloaded from Notable examples include OCA2 and MC1R. A notable example is a non-synonymous variant, rs387907171, in TYRP1 [85]. only 23% of teens and adults had a sufficient amount of this essential Hum Mol Genet. Portraits of Malay and Swedish individuals are provided by the Joshua Project (, the Bateq portrait is from, and the Inuit portrait is from A genetic mechanism for convergent skin lightening during recent human evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004;17:185–7. Peter BM, Huerta-Sanchez E, Nielsen R. Distinguishing between selective sweeps from standing variation and from a de novo mutation. They have moderately The onset of the sweep was estimated to be approximately 30,000 years ago, right after the “Out-of-Africa” migration, but earlier than the European-specific evolution on pigmentation [61]. CAS  Future work is needed to dissect the genetic architecture of skin color adaptation in numerous ethnic minority groups around the world, which remains relatively obscure compared with that of major continental groups, and to unravel the exact genetic basis of skin color adaptation. Too much Stokowski RP, Krishna Pant VK, Dadd T, Fereday A, Hinds DA, Jarman C, et al. necessary in adults to maintain normal heart action, blood clotting, and a The reflection of ultraviolet radiation from surrounding water and snow requires a greater effect from melanocytes, creating a darker pigment. In addition, Central Asia and Southeast Asia are home to various admixed populations, which are likewise of great potential in the study of skin color adaptation. Their skin burns and peels rather than tans. some species the survival value of having a camouflaged body Multiple well-known candidate genes for pigmentation in Europeans have also been identified by admixture mapping (Fig. Tiosano D, Audi L, Climer S, Zhang W, Templeton AR, Fernández-Cancio M, et al. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;24:710–22. A similar pattern can be observed at rs16891982 in SLC45A2 [23], which has been reported to be associated with pigmentation in several species, e.g., mice, fish, birds, and horses [24,25,26]. This report studies a statistical skin-color model and its adaptation. chemical with the help of ultraviolet radiation. in children and osteoporosis in adults. Localization to mature melanosomes by virtue of cytoplasmic dileucine motifs is required for human OCA2 function. Nature. The ancestral genetic makeups differ among these three populations. Deng L(1)(2), Xu S(1)(2)(3)(4). Because folate is needed for DNA replication in dividing cells, its Folate ( Folic Acid) - Excessive UV light penetrating the skin may destroy folic acid (or folate … Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians. Skin Color threat to life. melanin particles. For instance, TYR, carrying a non-synonymous substitution rs1042602 (S192Y), was identified in African Americans [69] and European Africans from Cape Verde [68].
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