They also have to stop Donita and Dabio from capturing 1,000 of them for her bodysuit plan, and even save Chris. They try to scare it away using venomous snake powers but the tiger goes on the Miniaturizer. With the help of Wild Kratts kids Ronan (Ronan Kratt), Gavin and Aidan, the Kratt Brothers must protect the turkey habitat from Gourmand before he captures a turkey as one of the most important ingredients for his meal. With a little help from the yeti crab, Martin and Chris are able to capture this energy and use it to restart the Amphisub and return to the surface. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Meanwhile, Zach Varmitech develops a petty grudge against the Wild Kratts and builds robotic mantis arms with a captured mantis inside. The Kratt Brothers must use their skunk powers to stink up Zach to make him run away from the Sonoran Desert and free the skunks from the Tortuga. Martin spots a hammerhead shark while diving in the ocean. Along the way, they discover how aardvarks manipulate earth materials to alter landscapes and learn the incredible (and valuable) service this amazing animal provides to all burrow-living creatures of Africa. Since the team does not know much about this unusual bear species, they decide to study it—but at the same time, they must rescue a sloth bear from Donita. Aviva loses her new malfunction-removing ring chip to a skinny finger mystery lemur. Martin, Chris, and Aviva go on an adventure into the Amazon Rainforest, where they find a hidden world of busy leafcutter ants, farming for the colony. The Wild Kratts team found a distress call in Central America to find out that Zach has captured a rare black jaguar and is planning to use her to create his new Spybots that could wipe out the environment. Gourmand is creating a rainforest stew that includes several rainforest species such as spider monkeys, jaguar, sloth and harpy eagle eggs. Aviva and Koki find and try to help them, but do not succeed either. On their last day in Madagascar, The Wild Kratts crew get a call from a Madagascan Wild Kratts kid that a new baby golden bamboo lemur is born. The Wild Kratts travel to the Arctic to investigate the structure and purpose of the narwhal's tusk. However, Zach ties balloons to many animals which then float up to his jet. When they get there, Aviva catches a glimpse of a white bear; however, the Kratt Brothers do not believe Aviva and tell her that there are no polar bears on the island. While trying to find his way home, Chris discovers that pigeons are not so ordinary and boring after all. To help Jimmy learn to swim better, the Kratt Brothers take Jimmy to meet a friend of theirs-a sea otter named Coach. While snowboarding across the Canadian tundra, the Kratt Brothers discover a mother polar bear and her cub, and Martin is almost attacked by the protective mother. Unfortunately, they run into major creature power suit malfunctions. The opossum ends up receiving 2 venomous bites from the snakes and the team ponders why nothing is happening to the opossum, then they realize that opossums have immunity to snake venom, and since Martin and Chris are in opossum suits they also have rattlesnake venom immunity, so they are able to save the baby opossum and get themselves and Aviva out of the snake field, and while Gourmand is angry about his defeat the snakes start to turn on him and he angrily leaves. When the Tortuga gets taken over by spotted skunks who decide to den up, the Wild Kratts team must try to reclaim their headquarters. The Wild Kratts must find the young zebra's herd and return him to his mom. While on a mission to find Chris' lost backpack in the Cypress Swamp, the brothers discover an opossum looking for one of its babies. For example, porcupine quills are modified hairs, designed by nature into a deadly defense. Amazed by its flight capabilities, Aviva creates a hummingbird power disc while the brothers set out trying to touch the friendly little bird, which is more difficult than they think! They find a close family of otters believing it to be Slider's family; however, it is not and the Kratts and Slider get chased out of their territory. The bros wonder if the groundhog has abilities to make a Creature Power Suit, but Aviva says she's sure these cute little groundhogs have some hidden superpowers and she decides to test this suit out herself. Meanwhile, a new villain, Paisley Paver (Julie Lemieux) and her assistant, Rex (Cory Doran), arrive on the island, planning to pave it and build a mega storage facility. Learning of Aviva's plan, Zach tries to prove that he is a better inventor than her, and joins in, turning the friendly competition into a high-speed race. Martin and Chris are trying to catch an elusive lizard while Koki, having just completed an inventory, declares that they have to go to a town to get supplies. Then Hoodie the cobra fights the mongoose and they learn about the mongoose's immunity to snake venom. When the Wild Kratts team notice an endangered and injured Florida panther, the team has to help it heal. The Wild Kratts will need to use the bamboo-digesting secrets of the giant panda to convert bamboo into energy, "panda power up" their technology, and rescue Martin and the pandas from Zach. The show's aim is to educate children[1] about biology, zoology, and ecology, and teach kids small ways to make big impacts. But unknown to the Wild Kratts, Donita and Dabio have been secretly hacking their communications, and Donita soon kidnaps their new lizard friend, Splash Claw, hoping to use him as a hat to win a contest in Paris. But when the unstable goggles stop working, the brothers find themselves taken in by the nocturnal society of the tarsier. When Martin gets kidnapped by a mischievous baby spider monkey, both brothers experience spider monkey anatomy and monkey locomotion. Chris finds a lost red panda cub in the bamboo forest of China. When Aviva experiences an invention slump, the Wild Kratts team is determined to help. The Kratt Brothers devise a new creature challenge, to try to survive 24 hours in the wild Australian Outback, without any kind of technology whatsoever—including their creature power suits. The brothers come across a pufferfish and learn about its habitat and defence. When the brothers accidentally lose the Hippo Power Disc in the Ugandan Savannah, the Wild Kratts team goes into crisis mode. While exploring marshes, the Kratt Brothers find a heron, and the Wild Kratts team begins studying herons in order to create a Heron Creature Power Disc. Martin crash-lands Aviva's new Stone Digger and encounters a lost colony of black-footed ferrets. When the Wild Kratts lose several Micro XT power chips in Germany, they decide to follow hamsters to see if the rodents find any of the chips. There, they witness a never-before-seen wildlife moment: a battle between a sperm whale and a giant squid. The Kratt Brothers must collect all seahorses with creature powers and trick Donita to get her away and free the seahorses. When a brown bat crash-lands into a plate of Jimmy Z's famous brownies, Martin and Chris out set out to convince Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z, that bats are nothing to be afraid of. Meanwhile, the opossum family is reunited. Villain of the week: Donita Donata, Dabio. The Wild Kratts soon find out who has set the pangolin traps: Chef Gourmand, who is trapping both ground and Chinese pangolins and plans to make "medicinal" smoothies out of their scales. A coyote then carries the box turtle-sized Tortuga away from the Miniaturizer, and the Wild Kratts must return to the Miniaturizer and get back to normal size. Chris enjoys being a sloth but he ends up being close to his demise while he notices the recipe. After discovering Zach's plan, Chris must learn to control his new wild side to help the neighborhood kids and stop Zach's plot before he causes the Tasmanian devils to become extinct, forever. The Kratts do not like this argument, so they try to find out why giraffes have long necks. Unfortunately for Martin, he is the closest thing to a Yeti in the mountains. So the Wild Kratts must use lemur powers in order to save the lemurs themselves. While Chris and Martin are looking for cool creatures in the bamboo forest of China, they encounter golden pheasants. Meanwhile, Gourmand is planning on stealing the sifaka family of lemurs and serving them like frog legs. (Last updated January 2019), Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Other, Clams Snails Insects Arachnids Crustaceans Corals, © 2021 All rights reserved. As the suits continue to act up, the Kratt Brothers realize that the powers that nature has given the animals to survive will only work in the appropriate habitats. Chris and Martin must use their Creature Powers of two Chinese animals-the snub-nosed monkey and the giant panda-to rescue the red panda cub from Zach and get her back to her mother. A bored Martin and Chris decide to play a game of creature hide-and-seek, and search the sand flats for one of the greatest hiding animals in the ocean—the stingray. Aviva manages to sneak up and surprise the Kratt brothers, as well as notice a raccoon that they failed to see. The gang begins to wonder about animal lifespans and if any animals can live for 100 years or more, so they decide to travel the world in search of the longest-lived creatures. Martin and Chris are on a mission to uncover the secret life of the mysterious great white shark. They then activate dhole powers but lose the pack, which proves dangerous when they encounter a large Bengal tiger who tries to eat them. It turns out that one of the hidden powers of the groundhog is their ability to hibernate, and the bros have to figure out what causes groundhogs to emerge from their burrows as they try to rescue Aviva from a deep winter sleep that her groundhog Power Suit has put her into. This is the second season to begin with a view of the Earth before the Kratt Brothers were shown introducing the audience. Now the Wild Kratts have to figure out a way to rescue both Martin and the cowbird without startling the local bison herd. Down in the southern Appalachians, the crew decides to take a rest day. It soon gets difficult when their last clue leads a mini-Martin lost in Madagascar. While cruising across the African savanna in the Tortuga, a gust of wind blows a piece of paper out of Aviva's hand and into an ostrich nest. Martin then makes a dhole call that summons the pack to come chase away the hungry tiger. As they work out how to stop him, they also help the crew to learn to differentiate wild turkeys from domesticated turkeys and learn about their amazing abilities. Villains: Zach Varmitech, Donita Donata and Dabio, Chef Gourmand. The purpose of the ESA is to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. After further investigation, the Wild Kratts crew realizes that Zach and Donita have sent robotic fish to collect coral for mass production of coral jewellery. The villains are stealing animals for a haunted house and the Wild Kratts and Wild Kratts kids must stop them and save their animal friends. After a run-in with a dangerous bull shark in a South American river, the Kratt Brothers find a bottle with an old map inside. They then get spectacled cobra powers and find the lost Miniaturizer; however, there is a Bengal tiger sleeping next to it. The Wild Kratts have to rescue the dodos before they become extinct and travel back to the present day before the remote runs low on power. Chris told the crew to find a prairie rattlesnake at a sunning spot where this cool creature could be warming. To make matters worse, Zach captures Martin, who is testing the new Giant Panda Creature Power Suit, along with the real pandas. But after a T-devil bites Chris's suit, it malfunctions, mutating him into an out-of-control Tasmanian devil/human hybrid. The Kratt Brothers must catch up with the giraffe, take back the materials, get Chris' Creature Power Suit, and save Martin. Soon, Donita Donata and Dabio are collecting the scents of the ring-tailed lemurs for perfume causing The Ring-tailed War to start again. They then learn about how sloth bears use suction power. Aviva programs Lobster Powers for Chris and Martin, but when the Kratt Brothers try them out, only Chris's Creature Power Suit activates as an adult lobster. Chris and Martin get caught in the middle of a zebra stampede, and when the dust clears, a lone baby zebra is left behind. The Kratts are on a mission to stop Gourmand who is hunting for the largest turkey in the forest. A rogue wave hits the Tortuga, separating the members of the Wild Kratts team from each other. The team must investigate this mystery and get the "lost" penguins back to where they belong. Along the way, they learn the secrets of patterns in the creature world and how the zebra's stripes are critical to a special defence called "confusion camouflage". The Wild Kratts learn about the sloth and sloth moth habitat in the South American rainforest. Due to the Kratt Brothers' communicators also being broken, Koki is unable to track their location, leaving it up to a pair of Wild Kratts kids to find and rescue them. However, the team will have to hurry, because Zach Varmitech is also after the creature souvenirs. Villains of the week: Zach Varmitech, Donita Donata, (mentioned: Dabio) When Martin is stranded on a remote island, he finds several puffins, giving him the idea to use Puffin Power to find and rescue the other Wild Kratts. After seeing a salamander crawling out of a fire in the Black Forest, the Kratt Brothers set off to solve the mystery of the fire salamander's life cycle. They soon learn how they stay out of each other's fur by leaving smells. Unable to move his branches to deactivate his suit, and with Chris stuck as a grey squirrel, the Kratt Brothers soon realize that they are trapped in the forest, and are surrounded by predators. Martin and Chris activate the new gecko powers of their Creature Power Suits that Aviva has made in the Creature Power Disc Creator (also known as the M.I.K.--Mobile Invention Kit) so the Kratt Brothers must get the crew out of the glass terrarium and must retrieve the Miniaturizer before Zach shrinks all the animals in the creature world. Wild Kratts is an American/Canadian educational children's live-action/flash-animated series created by Chris and Martin Kratt. However, Zach Varmitech has plans to capture the pandas and make them into robotic stuffed toys. They volunteer to watch him and keep him safe until they arrive at the designated eucalyptus forest where the other Wild Kratts are waiting for them. They soon meet the little golden lemur and soon meet Donita Donata who is collecting the lemur for a new golden dress. Read online books for free new release and bestseller The Kratt Brothers soon find a creature that may be able to solve the Tortuga's electricity problem: the electric eel. While Chris and Martin are playing, a caracal steals Aviva's birdie, causing her to break down in tears. "Threatened" means a species is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. The Wild Kratts follow him while the crew stay with the pride. Gourmand, meanwhile, decides to create chocolate-covered hummingbird egg snacks, prompting the brothers to utilize hummingbird powers to save the eggs before Gourmand can cook them! This is the first season to begin with a view of the Earth before the Kratt Brothers were shown introducing the audience. The Wild Kratts team then have to use Aviva's antidote to freshen them again. A seagull drops one of Martin's Creature Power Discs into the ocean, and when the Kratt Brothers dive in after the disc, they encounter an enormous lobster. Villains of the week: Donita Donata, Paisley Paver, Zach Varmitech, Gaston Gourmand. But a giraffe secretly takes Creature Power Suit parts and supplies from the Tortuga, including Martin's deactivation Module and Chris' whole Creature Power Vest. Two miniaturized Kratts explore the world of the spider and how it creates its web, finding clues along the way that indicate what spider silk is made of that will help Aviva to replicate it. Vous trouverez dans ici le détail sur les médicaments remboursés en France entre 2012 et 2019 (quand des données plus récentes seront publiées, elles seront mises à jour) Gourmand evilly warns them not to open it but Aviva pulls the string and realizes Gourmand set this bag up as a trap for them and the contents of this bag are highly venomous eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, so now the team is trapped in a field of deadly rattlesnakes. The Wild Kratts are in Madagascar for the first time and meet a sifaka lemur family in the spiny desert. Chris removes it, causing the whole dam to fall apart and leaving the beavers and numerous other animals without a home. While cruising through the clouds trying to decide where to adventure to next, the Tortuga is forced to make an emergency crash landing in the Sonoran Desert. This inspires Aviva to modify the Indian cobra powers to king cobra power. That sends Aviva into panic because she realizes that due to the transformation that happens within the frog's own life cycle, this particular Creature Power Suit may be her most challenging yet! Then the Wild Kratts try to stop Gourmand from cooking deep sea creatures. After a narrow escape, Chris and Martin learn about the intense rivalry between the Arctic polar bear, and another protective mother, the Arctic walrus. Martin also comes across a shrike nest with a cowbird hatchling and is captured by the shrike. The Kratt Brothers miniaturize themselves in an attempt to learn more about the plankton near a coral reef. The Wild Kratts travel to Asia to meet the Asian elephant and investigate the differences between it and African elephants. They postpone their party in order to stop them. He then kidnaps the two Wild Kratts members and confines them in his ship. Villains of the week: Zach Varmitech, Shonita Donata, Shabio. Of course, Aviva does not fall for it and instead plays a strict mother, telling the Kratts she's going to keep an eye on them. The Wild Kratts travel to the island of Komodo to stop Chef Gourmand from cooking Komodo dragon eggs. the , . They learn about how the electric eel uses its electric powers to catch prey and defend itself from predators like caiman crocodiles. However, there is also a hungry male king cobra around which is bad for the bros as they have spectacled cobra powers and king cobras love eating other snakes. While on the African savanna, the Wild Kratts discover a ground pangolin. They learn that plants use animals to help them make their seeds through a process called pollination, so Martin, Aviva, and the rest of the gang use that method to save Chris. Will the Wild Kratts team succeed in rescuing the raptors before they become Gourmand's next gourmet delicacy? The bros go off searching for the rare mineral, but find the search difficult until they stumble upon a western diamondback rattlesnake and learn about its heat vision power, as it hunts a ground squirrel. Chris and Martin then find his herd and his mom, who's trapped in mud, and must use elephant strength and power to save her. The Kratt Brothers must use the incredible Creature Power Suits—two of Aviva's inventions—to gain the abilities of crocodiles and protect the vulnerable crocodile hatchlings. After kidnapping Chris onboard his jet, Zach reveals to him that finding Nubs was a trap so that he could trace the location of the team's headquarters—the Tortuga—and have the rhinos destroy it, with Martin and the Wild Kratts still inside. Martin wants to "ride" the seahorse with Chris, and together make a string of lies, Chris telling Aviva that they want to use the Miniaturizer to explore how this seahorse interacts with other inhabitants of the coral reef system. The Kratt Brothers help their otter friend Slider search for his otter pack, all while teaching him how to survive in the Cypress Swamp. The Wild Kratts crew travels to Mozambique's Savanna to create a geological map of all the local aardvark dens, hoping to study the secrets of the rarely seen aardvark. Then, the rest of them used a filter that Aviva made to get rid of the ooze at last. But before they can leave, Chris discovers a family of beavers has integrated his favourite paddle into their beaver dam. And to keep the Kratts busy, she releases a pair of spider monkeys and proboscis monkeys to cause madness in Madagascar. While the Kratt Brothers are being charged by an angry rhino on the African savanna, they decide to use a harpy eagle feather from Chris's creature souvenir collection to activate Harpy Eagle Powers and fly out of harm's way. The Wild Kratts hold a competition to determine who the best runners are in the animal world. They then defeat the wolves. Chris and Martin find a wolf pup in Martin's bag after a chaotic morning involving a wolf pack and Chris's Creature Power Suit set in moose mode. The Wild Kratts must protect the oldest creatures on Earth from Zach's scheme. They manage to stop Zach and return the mama aardvark to "Slurpy" while Zach has a run-in with an angry warthog. Chris manages to activate his creature power suit immediately, but Martin finds it impossible to touch the mother bear without being mauled by her. Martin and Chris hold a contest to see whether rhinos or elephants are stronger, cheetahs or peregrine falcons faster, hippos or crocs better swimmers. While investigating exoskeletons, the Hercules beetle accidentally gets enlarged. Aviva must figure out how to harness the energy from the deep sea's hydrothermal vents to save the brothers and return them to the surface. They explore how giraffes use their long necks to prevent competition for food and resources and how they neck fight. The vivid colors of the male pheasant cause the Kratt Brothers to wonder why golden pheasants-and all the other amazing animals of China-are coloured the way they are. Now the Wild Kratts have to save the day. The US Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973—signed into law by President Richard Nixon after passing the Senate by a vote of 92–0 and the House of Representatives by a vote of 390–12. Meanwhile the Kratts are in the United States, hanging out with brown and green anoles. The bros beg for some time to investigate a particular lizard, which gets snatched up by a roadrunner. List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. While the team is sleeping, Thornsley takes control of the Tortuga, causing Aviva, Koki and Jimmy Z to crash-land in the desert, leaving the Kratt Brothers stranded in the savanna. The gang uses their Miniaturizer to shrink down and discover it's all about physics: all objects have electrical charges that attract one another and the gecko's marvelous toe pad structure charges so much that they can walk on surfaces as smooth as glass. While cleaning the teleporter's activation ring, Jimmy Z accidentally rolls it onto the horn of the lead bull in the herd. Martin activates his platypus powers with the sixth sense to rescue Chris and the eggs. Meanwhile, Gourmand, using a submersible borrowed from Zach Varmitech, descends down into the deep sea to find new creatures to cook.
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