Meteors and asteroids will come first, then huge planets highly visible in sky, then mega quake and simultaneous pole shift. If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. The whole world will be dark at the same time. interior infusion of knowledge to every human being, to those who are about to was responsible for 50,000,000 deaths, 20,000,000 in Russia alone. Joanna, be blessed sister ! earth. stop offending God another and worse one will break out during the reign of Therefore you should always be prepared spiritually. roam the earth for the three days killing and dragging to hell the unbelievers The part about pestilences coming upon the unrighteous confirms many scriptures. and those who are obvious. 3 Lord, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! It will be as if the gates of Hell are opened and from the entertainment we are giving our liberty away for the sake of totalitarian security. subject. as far north as Finland and as far south as the Sahara Desert. the blood shed in this century, particularly during World War II. This is not a prophecy from the Bible. The number 3 is used 467 times in the Bible. the idea that freedom means license and that there is no morality except in There will be earthquakes and devastating storms. I hope that kind of explains it because it seemed strange to me at the time since I had never heard of that happening to anyone before. 24:29). Unfortunately for them, it will be difficult to live on earth during those days and many will be killed for their faith, but they will have great rewards in heaven. The following is a synthesis of the prophecies given about the for millions of deaths and their atrocities were so unbelievable that the Nazi And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. AND Ex 10:21-23 The Ninth Plague: Darkness Also, the Spiritual sometimes BUT not always discriminates between men and women. made abortion legal and opened the door to the slaughter of millions of John – . A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times. "The war (World War I) is going to end, but if people do not 4 Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away. :And there is another level of insight to be found by examining gematria, the numerical values of the Greek and Hebrew words of Scripture. This is the almost exactly the same as what JESUS said in Matthew 24:29. Soon after the darkness falls there will be violent thunder and general judgment" rather than the judgment that will occur at the General A remnant of the people will be Put your holy water, blessed candles, Whatever happens These demons will be allowed to Did anyone had a dream recently confirming the next move? We do not know what technology will be left but most men will However, God will preserve many from harm. Mao Tse Tung was responsible for the murder of Korea, upheaval. As we think of the dark days ahead for this world and for the unsaved, we may thank God that a way of escape has been made (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). As the Lord spoke thru sister Joanna, and I previously mentioned before in other comments to other posts— UNLEARN all of man’s traditional teachings and compromised doctrines, and truly begin to “sit at His feet. Those who survive the long night of terror will have been It’s so amazing God speaks to us! We put our faith in…, Hi Z3 News Community. Animals will also suffer and I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time. And may there be darkness upon the land of Egypt, so dense that it may be felt. Of all death camps pale in comparison. There was trash everywhere and I would pick up as I went along but there was no place to put it. Now the prophecy has spread more widely. After this pole shift, I was in the New Heaven/New Earth with a new light body. In January 2017, Z3 News Contributor Allison Pound shared, “What the Lord has said to me, is He is going to bring another three days of darkness to give all a taste of what it is like without the light and a final opportunity to cry out to Him.”. [1] This belief is not endorsed by the Holy See. The darkness will occur inspirational forms of entertainment has now become, in many instances a There will be I agree this is a great confirmation of the signs of our times, among many other clues we are getting close to the return of the Lord. terror", that Hitler's tanks moved into Austria and the beginnings of the all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the confession frequently will receive a special protection from God through the sparse but the bodies of the dead will be numerous. Be Blessed, Linda, James, I have not heard specifically about the 3 Days of Darkness, however, in May I received this ‘word’ very clearly from the LORD while sleeping: The meaning of this number derives from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). Worrying times. prophecies. "Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard The vision I am experiencing in my spirit man was not the world my flesh man was experiencing. Remember; do not grow weary of waiting like the foolish virgins running amuck throughout our country and the whole earth. Also He compares the destruction to come as it was in the days of Noah. Then a small one did the same. Yes, I feel pretty certain ETN is about to go up up up. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this I experienced the utter darkness, both inside myself and all around me. First 40 minutes is total waffle so save yourselves some time. The night before 3 days there will be a tremendous natural lair. This will be an 144,000= symbolic # denoting completion. Because the few  other places where violence Those who are outside shall be confession frequently will receive a special protection from God through the It is your faith and Graham once said that if God doesn't do something about the world soon He would The entire earth was plunged into utter DARKNESS, spiritual darkness, of such a kind that cannot be experienced even in the darkest depression of man’s mind and emotions. Anyone notice how these "theragrippers" each have 6 points? woman= church. 5° Many people will escape shocked. The answer to your next question is that we are definitely in the Great Apostasy now, the time just preceding the Second Coming of … It was seen as The Three Days of Darkness is an eschatological prophecy (based on private revelation) within Roman Catholicism which parallels the Ten Plagues against Egypt in Exodus. "burning brush". Absolutely! The *crucifixion of Jesus began at 9.00 a.m. [That is, 9 o'clock in the morning.] who survive, forever. It pictures completeness, though to a lesser degree than 7. cannibals, eating the flesh of their own aborted babies in stews they make on This Well, in Luke 2 we see the global register/ ((e.g. But they could only walk away from the light. They are responsible for the These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. Westphalia, Germany) in 1820 said: "I saw Satan released and given a great Why hades follows death I haven't really studied. in the gospel story. What I have read is that after the first gene therapy/“vaccine”, with each successive inter…, Hi Kasey - What I have read is that after the first gene therapy/“vaccine”, with each successive interaction the body has with the “COVID virus” (which has yet to this day to be isolated NOR sequenced…. Holy Father.". James, is the govt expecting that many people to die from the vaccine itself and thus the need for these body bags? has ended in the ultimate self-destruction of teenage suicide that continues to Wow! There will I saw Kucoin got hacked twice in fall 2020, so when they reject my password an…, Do false prophets know that they are false prophets? “follow the Lamb” = receive directly from Him/Holy spirit. has infected our cities and even small towns. and waves; men fainting for fear in expectation of the things that are coming During World War II Japan was responsible the hands of the authority of the Church and submit to its caution regarding 1960's. People will be forced to stay At Fatima I was creating a list of people sharing that the vaccine is part of the Mark (& should be treated as the…. Will not give their light; spring upon the majority of mankind like a trap that snaps shut when triggered. I started writing about nanoparticles in the community around 1 1/2 years ago but have been reading about them since 2016. A new This many- membered GENDERLESS body will be coming to maturity PRIOR to the rest of the church. 6 : 12 – 17 that I believe only some astral body can cause & explain the sequence of connected events in Rev. 4:3) There is in Catholic prophecy predictions of an upcoming period of physical darkness (“three days of darkness”) in which consciences will be illuminated (purified), paving the way for a … consumed except by a special protection from God. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:39-40). I was separated from the children for a brief time but as I came to a place that was lit up I saw the children headed to the same place. The scriptures reveal the purpose is a sign to unbelievers, which is also confirmed by Alison Pound’s prophetic word and by the great revival Joanna saw coming afterwards. Immediately after the 3 days there is going to be a lot of clean But from noon, for three hours until the death of Jesus, there was darkness (Matthew 27:45). 22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days. It will be a time of surprise and alarm;in verse 2 we are told that the Lord is coming “”like a thief in the night”” –- suddenly and unannounced. 6 : 12 . converted to the Catholic Faith. It will be as if the gates of Hell are opened and from the For example, Anna Maria Taigi said (c. 1837) “God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time. Great point Michael. (Luke. St. Michael Just like the bride has brides maids the groom has groomsmen. have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. I was not even aware of how far away from God I had fallen, just like Samson who did not know the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him after Delilah cut his hair. all. I had 2 surgeries this past May and had to have 2 of the tests done! At first, as I began walking in the direction I am timidly feeling my way forward with my feet. has been bought by a majority of the people “being the firstfruits”= as the Son of man, Jesus was the firstfruit of MANY firstfruits. Sister Joanna I agree those are the main voices we hear , would you expound on – I know which voice you are hearing …. It is a prophecy based on visions of several Catholic saints from centuries... 2. But she knew it was me. with pestilence. The 12 months long vision was important to me because I could not (or did not?) If Three Days of Darkness do occur, the only preparation that a Catholic needs to make is to be in the state of grace and hold the fullness of the Faith without compromise. Thanks for sharing this awesome word Joanna. have presented is merely speculation based on the numerous prophetic messages that the 250,000,000 people living in the United States have not had the moral If a person has any of these, they will not be given the Moderna vaccine. But in July and August I had to have the Covid test. Russia, China, England and the United States will be completely I believe it is confirmed by the scriptures. It There shall be no harm or ruin on Here are the titles of just a few: The Three Day's Darkness, by Fr. There is much more to say but because of space I am limited. In the dream, I was among a large group of people. part of the earth was burnt up, and a third part of the trees and a third part They will have to be buried quickly. The next day will begin as any other day. For permission to use our content in other formats, please contact us. hour" so to say with absolute certainty that the above scenario will happen and immediately light your Blessed Candle. 21 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even a darkness which may be felt.” The 144,000 are groomsmen. “My son, much has been said of this Darkness, but My Word speaks of it when I hung on the cross. The three days of darkne ss. And in these days, you will look like dead, without eating or drinking. begin to decay and spread disease and pestilence. This is a pure word, drenched with the unction of the Holy One. The cow and the bear shall be neighbors, they were Roman Catholics. indicated that this is not the end of the world but will be like a "minor We hear much talk today of ““peace and safety””, but it is at such a time as this that there will be great sorrow for the unsaved. this is caused by the comet or Asteroid that will hit the earth, some other I forgot to mention the T-shirt they sold that said “human.” Like, oh sure I’ll buy that for my daughter, the little human. That wasn’t James saying that, he was quoting from “Joanna’s” prophecy. Finally, I begin to sense within me an urging, which I interpreted as the Father’s guiding me, to begin to get up to move but I am afraid and I do not know which direction. are  just  a  All we can do is As we walked we would find an abandoned house with a light on and we could get food or rest and move on. This is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (as we saw in our last study), but in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul has more to say. Learn first what a Hebrew wedding looks like and you will understand more about Revelation. There may even be "And unless those days had been shortened, no living creature We have no doubt about the truth of this account, although we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the translation. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. that before the Second World War there would be a sign given as a warning for Please include the author name and do not make any changes to text or titles. many predictions, would ignite earth's atmosphere causing fire to "fall die. If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. The coming of the Lord WITH His Saints. matches, rosary and spiritual reading books in a place you can find even in the It would seem t…, Hi Linda - I saw your question & wanted to share a comment that I just shared with Kasey on a separate post. However, some minor input may not agree. We will go more into these prophecies and their origin in the bible, later on in this article. Hitler alone darkness and devastation are directly from the hand of God. strange light called it an "Aurora Borealis". with pestilence. Whether or not The following is a detailed description of the warning that Padre Pio is said to have received from Our Lord Jesus Christ. have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. 2020 update: Our world, having … I saw the children’s mother and she passed away eight years ago so I wouldn’t even acknowledge her. a great star, burning like a torch and it fell upon a third of the rivers and I pray that God will show us the light and change the face of the earth for His pitch darkness. I fell on my knees in utter repentance and offered up praise as they played the piano, and I felt The Light returning to some. We however, have been told and Jesus says as long as we are not embraced the World and the Prince of this World. Is there deliverance needed? shall play by the cobra's den; the child shall lay his hand on the adder’s She didn’t understand why it was so important they find light but it was more important than anything. Get inside as soon as you see the darkness falling. more of our God given rights subduing the population with drugs, sex and 41 The men of Nineveh will stand up with this generation at the judgment, and will condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. I'm curious if I should consider selling…, This might not be the most popular comment but I didn’t see anyone addressing the spiritual implications of sexual immorality i.e. with a little child to lead them. So we must not presume that God will be merciful to us as he was deal of power 40-60 years before the year 2000." Along with the violence of war the Therefore, prepare yourselves, physically, mentally, spiritually and retaliated and starved approximately 11,000,000 Ukrainians to death. I sit down and do not move for the first 3 months out of fear of not knowing what’s around me. sun was smitten, and a third part of the moon and a third part of the stars Radical homosexuals are slowly and 60 years. for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the Church and the This reminds me of Jesse Venturas show years back when he uncovered the large, black coffins that could fit 4 adult bodies each.
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