However, a load of squares or oppositions to this alignment may […] The unexpected, unforeseen, or surprising death. Sudden death? Death in Astrology The 8th house is ruled by Pluto, the God of the underworld. Queen Victoria, for example, lived to a great old age and died in the most conventional manner possible, and this at first sight is more remarkable because Neptune is in conjunction with Uranus, with Saturn square to him. Probably has something to do with being square my natal 8th house Neptune. Uranus has been transiting my 12th. It is ruled by Scorpio and Pluto and traditionally governs and relates to death, inheritance, sex, personal transformation, and debt. Uranus in 8th. Planets in the 8th could give an idea of how death could be. You can be a very good astrologer with this position. DAH Jupiter is square this configuration and in quincunx to DAH Mars in the 7th. We all have these fears for ourselves and our loved ones making us at times over protective or manipulative due to fear of loss. Topic: Anyone who had Uranus in 8th house solar return: mymeyou Knowflake . Death by suicide: 1. The Uranus person can also help the house person overcome any sexual blockages, and open them up to be more spontaneous and experimental. Shocking sexual encounters. If Uranus is transiting one of your vocational houses—the 2 nd, 6 th, or 10 th —then this transit can represent a chance for a breakthrough in your career. Much will depend on associated planetary aspects or fixed star conjunction. But with Uranus’s eccentric originality operating here, you find ways to make money that are unusual. Hi I have Uranus and Neptune in the 8th house in Aquarius. You may not be able to depend on them to help you out financially anymore, so you have to learn to stand on your own two feet financially. So if the native learns this lesson by going through many unexpected events, he will feel fulfilled. The 8th house is thought of as the house of death in astrology. You experience the sudden death of people in your life. Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. You may find hope as well as a challenge to live up to during the time Uranus is in one of these sectors. Watch out for sudden, unexpected losses when Uranus is in the eighth house, like a spouse who suddenly files for divorce or an unexpected tax audit. Overall, the 8th house shows a key to our deaths in this lifetime and any surrounding issues it will entail. If well aspected, you can have profound insight into the inner workings of nature and the universe. These events are unexpected to the chart holder, but people who know the chart holder may see these things coming. If there is an association of Uranus with the 8th house, the death may be unexpected and sudden. Sort by. This is why it's called The Death House or "the house of death, sex, money, and taxes". I checked my solar return chart for the next year and if I stay at my place on my birthday I will have uranus in 8th house. Uranus can be oblivious, not noticing things that others see as obvious. This placement teaches that change is the only predictable thing in this world. Transit Uranus in the 8th House When transit Uranus is in your 8th house, the money that other people have in your life could come or go, and it has an impact on you. It’s a time of more spontaneous expression. But Saturn in the 8th house squaring my Sun and opposing my Moon has been dreadful. As ever, Uranus will work through the 8th House without the consent and co-operation of the conscious mind, and the breaking of certain attachments may be experienced with much reluctance and pain. Mars is associated with fire hence its placement in the 8th house means that the death may be caused by fire. Uranus in the Second House in your chart shows sudden and unexpected changes in fortune. This type of change occurs in unexpected flashes and shocks, here one minute and gone the next, before you even know what hit you (unlike Plutonian-type change, which continues to drag you deeper into the pits of hell long after you've been destroyed). Upsetting events with your partner’s finances. 100% Upvoted. The Midheaven is opposite natal Moon, ruler of the 8th house. Uranus is about sudden and unusual events. report. 0 comments. Shocking deaths. Presence of Jupiter in the 8th house means that the death of the native will be calm and peaceful. As far as financial gain through legacies or inheritance, the position of Uranus here is unpredictable. He was just born with a small cyst on the back of his cerebellum. Both of these are square the natal Part of Danger at 23Taurus50, which in turn is conjunct natal Venus. Shocking inheritance outcomes. That, and Uranus is (for the moment) square Pluto. save. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now.
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