At issue is what makes something American — and what makes liberty liberty. Voting should be made compulsory so that the leaders who are elected deserve to lead the nation. Should Voting Be Compulsory? The very idea of forcing people to vote seems, well, anti-democratic. In cases where voting is made compulsory, the voters will easily vote, making it easy to save on the campaign costs. I think that we should leave the voting age at 18. Some people will choose not to vote, and they will have violated the law. As a result, about 94 percent of eligible voters turn out. taxation, compulsory education, or jury duty). Citizens have a duty to maintain the democratic state by voting, which is enforced through compulsory voting. Generations marched, fought and died for the right to vote. Liu's latest book is The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, the Economy, and the Role of Government. Since 1924, Australia has been a leading example of how efficient mandatory voting can be when implemented properly. If we think criminals see themselves as above the law, compulsory criminal voting sends a strong message that felons are fellow citizens, that we are all in this together, whether we like it or not. To accommodate them, the electoral body may have to organize voting to be cared for in several days. That presumes, however, that policymaking today sets a high-water mark of enlightenment. That is why the best reason for mandatory voting has nothing to do with today’s politics. Compulsory Voting by Paul Engel Summary Is voting a right, a moral duty, or a legal requirement? In some ways, not much really changes when voters are compelled to the polls. April 2007; Acta Politica 42(1):23-39; DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.ap.5500167. Both sides of the issue have their reasons why mandatory-voting laws should or should not be passed. If you would like to get as many voters as possible to vote in a given election, you need to ensure you make voting compulsory and available to all eligible candidates. To address this concern, Chapman pointed to Australia, a country that has had compulsory voting in their national elections since 1924. All candidates will be interested in reaching the entire population. They will avoid such excuses and proceed to vote if you can take the necessary steps and make them vote compulsory. To make it easy for people to enjoy their freedom easily, voting should be left to be optional. As a way of making them follow the law, they will be arrested and prosecuted. An empty vote is feedback in itself. Citizens will have the freedom to choose candidates who have better policies that can work towards helping them. Voting. Election 2012 Is Up to You). When people are made to vote mandatory, they will come out in large numbers and vote. Why Compulsory Voting Can Enhance Democracy. And under the current Westminster voting system, they … . People who show up in poling stains should be fully informed and ready to make the right decisions. India needs to become more politically literate. Many people who choose not to do so because they feel their vote is powerless. I do not think… Should School Be Compulsory? The whole election process aims at making citizens get their representatives. New Neros Powerbroker Posts: 7626 Founded: Mar 15, 2015 Left-wing Utopia Polls Heaven : Utopia Temple Forums > General Discussions > Polls Heaven: Should voting be compulsory ? Unlike a lot of the other legislation I read, this one doesn’t really describe why it should be enacted. It will lead to more people turning out to vote. The views expressed are solely his own. Studies have found that compulsory voting really does increase voter turnout, even in areas where the penalty for not voting is mild, if there is one at all. People often don't vote because they don't feel it makes any difference to them as individuals. In a case where voting is made compulsory, all votes will be accounted for. Yet jury duty, the draft, going to school, and taxpaying all have been compulsory without being called communist (OK, three out of four). Political parties would have a need and an incentive to spend millions—perhaps even billions—more on campaigns since they would need to reach millions of additional, low-information voters. Core to that liberty is electing representatives and voting on public issues. It’s about redeeming the central promise of American citizenship. He or she will end up choosing a leader whom he or she does not know the policies. It is unlike a case where the candidates will know certain sections of society are not interested in voting; they will direct their campaigns to people they know will likely vote. If voting is made mandatory, it will ensure that the government will be represented by a majority of the population, not just a few individuals. William A. Galston AND E.J. Also, some people say that they may be ill or sick when the voting is on, but come on. The least we can do now is treat that right like a responsibility. This article considers the role of compulsory voting in order to enhance the democratic values of political participation and equality. You can get a President who is elected with 50% of the vote, but only 50% of the people voted, so you can have a person leading the nation who has 25% of the vote at best. Compulsory voting would ensure the governing party has the majority of the country on its side, and better reflect the wishes of the people. It stands to reason that it falls under the same umbrella as anything the government mandates; it isn’t a violation of liberties, rather it is the requirement for the populace to uphold their end of the social contract. Here's why the United States should become the 24th. Many people say that it takes away our right, but not fully. If they were too lazy to vote in the first place, why should they go researching the issues now? More information: "Does compulsory voting violate a right not to vote?,"Australian Journal of Political Science, Volume 50, Issue 1, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/10361146.2014.990418 Giving people the right to vote is not enough. When you make voting compulsory, people are not left to vote or not vote. We should look at why young people do not vote and what this as a message is showing – for example, dislike to all candidates, shows our candidates are not as diverse as needed which we must change. Sheldon Richman | 3.26.2015 12:05 AM Thus, especially when compulsory voting is evidently beneficial for democracy, why should it be condemned? It limits the voices of the extreme. This membership accords one with certain benefits that can be enjoyed in view of his or her legal citizenship status. It will interfere with the main aim of having elections because it aims at making people choose the right candidate. Mandatory voting would eliminate the need for spending on get-out-the-vote efforts, but it would make targeting voters even more essential. Should voting in elections be compulsory? All citizens should avoid particulate in choosing people who will be involved in making policies and laws that govern their lives. Published 22 May 2014. When people particulate in choosing leaders, they choose their free representation. The above are the compulsory voting pros and cons. So, should there be compulsory voting? Compulsory voting may decrease the cost of elections as well as mobilisation and political campaigns, and those resources can then be used on other issues. Sheldon Richman | 3.26.2015 12:05 AM Low election turn-outs result in a government that does not truly have the democratic mandate of the population. Who’s Biggest? The position adopted in this essay is that voting in elections should not be compulsory. Voting should be compulsory! Our civilization's need for energy is vast; the Pros and Cons of Nuclear energy will be discussed because of this. Compulsory voting is not necessary for a stable democracy. It's a problem that motivated former US president Barack Obama in 2015 to raise the idea that voting should be compulsory. For instance, if too many people refuse to vote, the outcome of the election may not be in line with the needs of the majority of the population since minor parties may be voted instead, which may not care about the preferences of the majority of locals. It is good to consider both sides before you can opt for a given policy. When people are forced to participate in the voting process, they will end up marking the papers in a way that will lead to spoilage of votes. Even if you believe everyone should vote, does that mean states can fine you for not doing so? For example, some people may be sick, and they fail to turn up and vote. It motivates people to check what politicians are actually saying before they vote. Some people, out of the free will, may not like to queue and vote. People will not have reasons to complain if they know they had the chance to vote, and they chose leaders who are good or bad. It is unlike a case where a person will be made to vote compulsory. Why? The 100 Most Significant Figures in History, Highlighting Is a Waste of Time: The Best and Worst Learning Techniques, Romney, Obama and the New Culture War over Fairness. The leaders they choose are their free representation. It will lead to people voting for their sake to avoid the penalties that come with it. “The voluntary voting system in America demonstrates why you need compulsory voting. Some candidates come up with strategies where they target people who are likely to come out and vote. People will feel the majority of the votes legitimately elected the leaders they have. Compulsory voting is wrong and should not be forced on anyone. From my research there are mainly three reasons why voting should not be mandatory: 1. People have their own reasons for advocating for and against voting. Compulsory Voting makes leaders legitimate. The policies they will make will affect people in their area of representation. Being encouraged, or even required to participate, some say, would diminish that feeling of alienation from the system. There is a specific way a ballot paper should be marked to make it count. Several minor reasons can hinder people from voting. People who are passionate about voting show up. The idea of mandatory voting during U.S. elections is a much-debated topic in the United States.Making voting mandatory for all citizens, is debated to be something that could be either positive or negative. Campaign teams would have to spend less on making people know more about their policies rather than just attracting them to vote. But if a tactic of disenfranchisement and electorate-amputation makes sense for the party (which is debatable), it is terrible for the country. 1. In a nutshell, it can be said that compulsory voting is a positive sign for the betterment of the nation, however, its implication in a friendly manner is of vital importance. But if we truly cared about the integrity of elections, we should ensure that they reflect the will of all eligible voters. Eleven weeks before Election Day we can’t know who will win the presidency. It would be a different case if voting were made compulsory. Having a law that forces people to participate in voting will lead to discrimination, where some people will feel like they have been denied the chance to participate in their religion of choice. The cost of prosecuting those who do not vote can be very high. Should Voting Be Compulsory? With such tight midterm races across the U.S., the motivation to vote was high and a sense of civic duty was strong. Voting is a right, not a duty, and the only votes that carry any weight are the votes cast by confident voters who stand behind their decisions. That’s true in Australia. People will be afraid of fines if they fail to turn out and vote. It is wrong to punish those who do not vote. Compulsory voting also contributes towards a voting outcome where the interests of the majority of the population are represented. People should be left to choose their religion and practice it freely. Compulsory voting would deliver a broader, more representative sample of voters. It is good to try and improve voter turnout. Most advocates for compulsory voting tend to look to Australia, where voting has been mandatory since 1924.Because every Australian over 18 must participate, the voting process is made quite easy; voter registration can be completed online, Election Day is on a Saturday, and voters can vote at whatever polling site in their state or territory they choose. All sections of the population will be educated about policies that different candidates have. Compulsory voting doesn’t change political ignorance — Just as you can force a horse to water but can’t make him drink, you can force a voter to the polls but can’t make him think. It is good to make the voting process as fair as possible. But in Australia, where voting became compulsory in 1924, that’s been a marginal issue. When many people turn out to vote, they express their free will. What’s more, it’s a partisan issue. There are both pros and cons of the different systems. A woman votes at a polling station inside a grocery store in National City, California, on November 4, 2014. That is why the Swiss, as well as other countries, are thinking about introducing compulsory voting. However, voting should not be compulsory. Yes 19: 36.54%: No 33: 63.46% : Other 0: 0%: Who voted? It will lead to a waste of resources and abuse of the whole process. As Australia heads to the polls, some are asking whether the country's compulsory voting policy is still necessary and relevant, reports the BBC's Katie Beck in Sydney. For instance, those who argue for compulsory voting argue it will lead to more voter turnout. Please Support Us if you like our content! Their policies end up being known by people who are likely to vote. Mandatory voting laws would hurt, but they would not be a disaster. Leaders with many votes will feel they are a true representation of people. Should voting be made compulsory? Candidates spend a lot of money trying to make people come out to vote. Australia does though and those who have not voted receive a penalty notice. For societies that have compulsory voting, most of the population tends to support the practice. There is no denying that the advantages are obvious: (Conventional wisdom says the more people who vote, the worse the GOP does). Governments must consider the total electorate in policy formulation and management. Thus, this will result in anything but a more informed electorate and better policies. America relies on the votes of citizens. It is unlike a case where the citizens are provided with the right education to make the right voting decision. We will never spam your email. Those of us who lament the decline of civic knowledge generally focus on the supply side of the equation: more civics education. One says that increasing the number of uninformed voters will lead to worse policymaking. Should the Voting Age in America be Lowered? Arguments for mandatory voting Voting is a civic duty and should be enforced Can improve representation of marginalized populations who are historically less likely to vote and who have less access to the political process Increases turnout which could mean that more people’s views will be better represented in government It makes the whole process of voting less serious. However he said the high voting turnout caused by compulsory voting may increase overall satisfaction with the political system. Another critique claims that requiring the vote devalues it, and that compelled voters will protest by voting carelessly. Yes, voting should be mandatory. Countries where voting is optional lead to informed decisions during the voting process. Published 27 August 2013. Authors: Bart Engelen. According to one surv… A compulsory voting law—practiced in a number of democracies around the world, including Australia and Belgium—makes voting a civic requirement for all citizens. In th… The right to vote in a democracy has been fought for throughout modern history. Therefore, voting should not be compulsory in local and national elections in the United States. Perhaps compulsory felon voting penalises some parties. The second reason i feel that people should not be forced to vote is because of the uniformed people voting can hurt the country. Second, as William Galston of the Brookings Institution argues, it would temper the polarization of our politics. Political stability will lead to a prosperous nation. There are several strategies that campaign teams employ as a way of trying to make many people come out to vote. Before you can decide to advocate for mandatory voting or against, it is good to check on each step’s pros and cons before you can make a decision. William A. Galston AND E.J. Do states have the authority to mandate that people vote? On the other hand, those against making voting compulsory argue it will lead to random votes. The voting process will be affected if you allow people to vote who do not have an interest in avoiding cases where people will make random choices to pass the threshold that requires them to vote. There are too many risks that come with compulsory voting. Why compulsory voting can enhance democracy Even though more than half of all citizens in the world are currently able to exercise the right to elect their leaders, many of them choose not to vote. Here’s why. When voting is compulsory, then people of the country pay more attention to political issues and if it is optional, then less attention is given to political issues. © 2021 TIME USA, LLC. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',147,'0','0']));There are some religions where people are discouraged from participating in the voting process. Do the American people have a right to vote or a duty? The conclusion? “It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr Obama said. Some people argue it is necessary to make voting compulsory, while others would like it to remain optional. Voting should be compulsory! But we can know with near certainty that voter turnout will be abysmal and that the results will be not so much a mandate as a skewed sampling of about half the electorate. The state imposes a range of other requirements such as the duty for parents to see that their children are educated and the duty to wear seat belts. This would skew the political system … It is unlike a case where things can go wrong, and some citizens feel they were not involved. Fred Dews On 12/11/14 at 11:59 AM EST . People who can vote but don’t are taking that right for granted. It is good to make voting optional so that people with different interests can be accommodated in the process. Parliament reflects more accurately the "will of the electorate." Some voters can show up in polling stations and mark ballot papers randomly to meet the compulsory voting threshold. There are some countries where voting is mandatory, while in others, it is optional. All sections of the population will be educated about … Voting is compulsory where I live too. Also, some people say that they may be ill or sick when the voting is on, but come on. Encourages voter education. It is necessary to make voting optional so that people can be free to make the right decisions in each step they take. There are many arguments against mandatory voting; each reflects a lack of faith in democracy itself. Many people say that it takes away our right, but not fully. Compulsory voting means that candidates have to address the needs of all the voters. But the most basic is also the most appropriate: making voting mandatory. It will be hard to allow some part of the society to vote compulsory while others are discouraged due to religion. The voters will be in a better position of making the right decision if they are fully prepared. The United States should require all of its citizens to vote. 7. African Americans and women fought for years to gain that right in the U.S. And in some countries, people still face barriers, or difficulties, when trying to vote. There is no need to have several voters that were cast randomly without the voters making informed decisions. It is possible to get the representatives if you can engage in voting. (MORE: Undecided? Australia has had mandatory voting for federal elections since 1924. They will not take time to check on the policies that different candidates front. We want to spread the word about energy and help make our world a better place for all people. One day Republicans could benefit. Making voting compulsory takes away the burden of not feeling politically aware, because the whole electorate would have to do it. It is good for all citizens to get involved in choosing their leaders. If many people fail to show up and vote, then there are high chances they will be arrested and punished. The best way to make the process appear free and fair is to give each citizen a chance to vote. And they would become more responsive to the younger, poorer and less educated Americans who don’t currently vote. Those who do not bother to take an interest in politics are freeloading on those citizens who do take this seriously. Compulsory voting, by imposing participation in the election of politicians and governments, infringes the right to be apolitical. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ablison_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',146,'0','0']));Some people aerie not interested in voting. Graham McGuire Introduction. 3. There will be a high voter turnout if the citizens are made to vote mandatory. Some Republicans will oppose mandatory voting for the reason they now push voter IDs: to win. It is possible to make people turn out in large numbers and vote if enough voter education can be carried out. Not that politicians follow through with the good stuff. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',148,'0','0']));When people are forced to vote, they will end up voting for the sake of meeting the law requirements. The position adopted in this essay is that voting in elections should not be compulsory. Should Compulsory Voting Be Instituted As a Ruling Standard? Several steps can be followed to make many people vote. While compulsory voting may mask the symptoms, it isn’t a cure for the disease. The real problem is members of the public not wanting to vote. All rights reserved. At least we are still given the privilege to vote, unlike other countries who DIE to earn the right to vote. A mandate would stimulate the demand side, motivating more voters to learn what they were voting on (just as a draft makes the drafted motivated to learn what they’d fight for). I am a conservationist at heart and on a journey to provide the best information on energy in a format that is easy to understand. Forcing felons to cast valid votes would be a violation of their freedom of speech – and would amount to electoral fraud, too. “Protecting the integrity of our elections” is the rationale Republicans give for the cynically restrictive voter ID laws they’ve enacted in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. It will represent their free will. Citizens should not be forced to vote. It is possible to avoid the random votes if you can make voting optional so that only people interested in getting the right candidate can show up. Voting should be made compulsory for young people casting their ballots for the first time, a leading think-tank says. It would work well if voters were left to make their own decisions. Since compulsory voting was introduced to Australia in 1924, turnout has never dropped below 91 percent. … Another big compulsory voting pro is that it limits the voices of … Voting is not optional in 23 countries. The following are some of the drawbacks of making the process of voting compulsory. Voting is a civic duty comparable to other duties citizens perform (e.g. Citizens’ rights are not affected by compulsory voting as they can go to the polling station and submit a blank ballot rather than actually vo… The leaders will feel they have the citizens’ full mandate to make certain decisions if all choose them. Dampening the voice of the majority. Universal civic-duty voting in the U.S. would have major benefits for American democracy. When people are made to make their own decisions, they will be better positioned to make the right choices as they vote. For example, candidates have to invest huge amounts in advertisements. If people have no interest in voting for any parties they can leave their vote blank. For example, citizens should be educated, after which laws will be formulated. They will simply go from the bar to the polling booth and back to the bar in as short a time as is feasible. For example, millions of people may fail to show up and vote. It also sets up a viciously antidemocratic circle: if you don’t vote you must be stupid and if you are stupid you mustn’t vote. The voter is compelled to vote not for the benefits of others but for his own welfare. Third, mandatory voting would prompt more Americans to pay attention to the choices. It is necessary to ensure you formulate an electoral law that will not appear discriminatory. The best way to go about it involves making the process of choosing leaders compulsory to all. Core to that liberty is electing representatives and voting on public issues. People will easily make the right decisions if they are allowed to vote freely. Pro compulsory voting. It will also prevent political leaders to claim greater legitimacy. They do not understand that failure to vote will make few people make decisions on their behalf. They were about our liberty to govern and represent ourselves. Try to make policies that will accommodate people from all religions. Voting is one of our most important rights. People in a democratic country should be left to make their own choices without any form of coercion. As former director of the Office of Management and Budget Peter Orzsag has pointed out, we can’t know what the ultimate partisan impact would be. As a democracy, we should have the right to choose if we want to vote or not. Choosing a political leader is very necessary. For two years, 27 scholars and advocates studied mandatory voting. Many reforms could increase turnout, from same-day registration to voting on weekends. Dionne, Jr On 9/27/15 at 4:10 PM EDT . All the Yes points: In all democracies around the world voter apathy is highest among the poorest and most excluded sect… A high turnout is important for a proper democratic mandate and the functioning of democracy. Voting can be seen to be a duty of citizens just as jury service and the requirement to pay taxes are civic duties. There are some areas where campaigns are costly due to the strategies employed to try and make people come out to vote.
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